Task One: Female Entries

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2: Bounty Hunter Female Verita 

I thought you might survive in killing game that you'll be a part of soon. Ezaye's words echoed through Verita's head, an unwelcome thought turned into reality as it became apparent she was in an arena. Sand the color of a sunset stretched in front of her while spectators above her roared their approval. On either side of her, lined along the circular walls were others, each of them chained to a pillar. Without looking down Verita knew she was also chained; she could feel the cold embrace of metal on her wrists.

Her hands scrabbled uselessly at them as she looked at the rest of the arena. The center of the arena was taken up by an old, dilapidated ship. It was in clear need of repair. The paint was chipped, the windows covered in dust, and one of the wings was broken. But the ship itself wasn't what caught Verita's attention. It was what was above the ship—Isaos.

He was chained above the ship, trying frantically to free himself. Her heart leapt to her throat, and Verita doubled her efforts to free herself. She had to get to Isaos. Her palms were slick with sweat, and even if they weren't, Verita knew she wasn't strong enough to break the chains by herself. She glanced at the girl chained next to her, hoping she knew how to get out of the chains, but was distracted by the sight behind them.

A reek had come up behind the other girl, the leathery creature stamping its large feet as it descended on her. Verita turned her head away from the scene, the girl's screams piercing through the veil of spectator noise. Her fingers fumbled on the chains, coordination only growing worse as a roaring sounded from behind her.

Panic flooded through her, adrenaline rushing through her veins. "No, no, no," she murmured. As she struggled to unchain herself her eyes fell on a small droid attached to her belt. Maybe it could help her. But she didn't have any idea what it was for, what it could do. For all she knew, it was there to hurt her, not help her. Verita cursed loudly. How was she supposed to free herself without anything to help her?

Her mind was muddled with fear and confusion, made worse by the sound of the creature behind her. A rush of air whipped past her along with a blur of red and brown. Verita' gaze followed the streak and a scream wrenched itself out of her throat. A nexu stood in front of her, its wide mouth bared in a snarl. Quills ran down its back, its two-pronged tail swinging back and forth. A pink tongue ran over pointed teeth, red eyes locking with Verita's.

With frightening speed and accuracy, the nexu leaped forward, claws bared. Verita' body contorted uncomfortably to avoid the nexu, but its claws caught the chain attaching her wrist to the pillar. The nexu's claws tore through the chain with a screech that made Verita cringe. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she stared at the chain. The action had freed Verita's right wrist, but the metal cuff was still clasped around her wrist; the nexu's claws had only torn the chain connecting her to the wall. Her left wrist was still chained.

Verita could see the nexu pacing in front of her, eyes watching her intently. Waiting to see if she would strike back. Again, she wished desperately for her armor or blaster rifle. But there was only her and she was still half chained to the pillar—with a nexu trying to kill her.

She looked down at the chain around her wrist. Maybe she could get the nexu to break the chain to it as well. Bracing herself, Verita reached towards the ground and scooped up a handful of sand with her free hand. One, two, three. She hurled the loose mixture at the nexu; only half of what she'd collected reached it, but that was enough to irritate the creature.

A loud roar escaped its mouth and it sprinted towards her. Verita's body shook even as she forced herself to stay still. Just wait, just wait. When the nexu was feet away Verita spun to the side, pulling the chain taut and directing the nexu's attention there. Its mouth clamped down on the chain, breaking it, but her hand was also trapped in the nexu's mouth. A shriek tore itself from Verita's throat. Hot pinpricks of pain burst across her hand, blood covering the pale skin. She tried to pull her hand away, but it was clamped tightly in the nexu's mouth.

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