Task Two: The Fallen

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Sarilea Valkir flew a TIE fighter with her allies, when it was shot down just before it landed on Obstillia. Despite being badly wounded, she survived as she was forced into space from the blast, but her suit helmet was shattered. Losing oxygen, she was brave even as she slowly suffocated to death in the voids of space.

Zillah's death was brought upon her by being chained to an opponent who, at the moment, cared nothing about her safety. As Yurrei fought his enemies, she was pulled and yanked around, severely wounded several times. Combined with her wounds from the arena, she lost too much blood and passed out. Yurrei grew tired of carrying around her dead weight and in his unusual state, sliced her body away from him. There, she floated in space, losing blood without any one to tend to her and eventually died from the wounds. 

Arin Merrick arrived to Obstillia, but there were too many enemies around her. Though she held her own against them in hand-to-hand combat, the distractions kept her from getting to the disruptors in enough time. Her device went off, instantly killing her. 

Jesla Hital died, despite the efforts her sister made to protect her. They worked well to try to reach Obstillia, but as soon as other tributes killed Jesla's sister, Jesla stood no chance against the Stormtroopers and their starfighters shooting at her. She was filled with blastershots, suffering in agony until one mercifully shot her through the heart and killed her. 

I tried to make your character deaths as accurate to your entries and as realistic and true to their characters as possible. I love all of your writing and characters and I'm so sad to see you guys go! If you will write your characters death entries, I'll post them! 

To recap: 

Verita and Yurrei both survived. 

Jesla, Arin, Zillah and Sarilea all died in the space battle. 

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