Task Two: Male Entries

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I just wanted to say to everyone that I am SO SO SO SORRY for not updating in over a week - almost three weeks! It's terrible! Earlier this month I was so busy with house hunting that I finally had a lot of time to myself and took time off from writing but now I'm back and hopefully I can keep updating much faster now! I hope all of you can understand  - and hopefully you guys haven't forgotten!

1: Bounty Hunter Male: Sha'ar Kagle 

"Keekee, does this make me look like a fat droid?"

Sha'ar's young assistant glanced over at him. His face, barely visible through the glass helmet of the EVA suit, sported an annoyed look. The bright violet and blue colors of the nebula made his face glow under his helmet.

"Mr. Sha'ar, if I am not mistaken, we just got dropped off in the middle of an abandoned asteroid field far from any known civilization and the first thought that pops in your mind is if you look like an obese droid?" Kaikai crossed his arms. " Moreover, I have known you for six years and you keep butchering my name."

Sha'ar couldn't help, but feel awed at his companion.

Since when did this boy start thinking maturely?

"I meant no insult toward any fat droid, but you could have answered my question," the bounty hunter responded.

"Ugh! How did we even make it out of that arena alive?!" Kaikai groaned.

" Do not underestimate the power of the Shi'ido, kid," Sha'ar smirked.

He looked up to see the bat-winged shape of the Lambda-class t-4a shuttle, its grey shape taking on a purplish glow from the nebula, return to the massive Star Destroyer it had originated from. That was the moment that Sha'ar had noticed the long leash that originated from the gargantuan ship and had ended at the end of his EVA suit. The Shi'ido then realized that Kaikai also had the leash as well. That was when it dawned on him.

"Those Imps are treating us like their intergalactic dogs!" Sha'ar shouted in anger.

"They are not going to stop until they have us all killed," Kaikai replied to his guardian's outburst. "Besides, why else do we have bombs strapped to our suits?"

Startled, Sha'ar glanced down at himself and gasped as he noticed a black digital timer with the number two followed by a colon and two zeroes trailing after it, glowing a bright red color strapped to his chest. The bounty hunter then spotted a small pouch around his waist. Feeling the butterflies fluttering in his stomach, he opened the pouch and saw a small wad of paper. Sha'ar then began to read it.

To the rebel scum reading this,

At this very moment, you and your partner both have a droid inside you that will explode in two hours if you do not find the disruptor to shut it down. In order to accomplish that, you would need to travel two miles past the asteroid field to Obstillia. How you do so is entirely up to you, but fail to do so and you will go out with a bang.

Best of luck,

The Imperial Entertainment Industry

P.S.Your plight is being televised all throughout the galaxy so please put on a good show.

"Kriff! We both have droids inside us that will blow us into smithereens if we don't get to some planet named Obstillia by two hours," Sha'ar briefed his assistant.

"Well, we have already lost a few minutes," Kaikai pointed at his timer.

"What are we waiting for?" Sha'ar groans. "Let's get going!"

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