Email Formatting

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When you send in your entries, this is how the emails should be formatted. Failure to do so will result in points taken off your score. 


Subject: Task 1 – Bounty Hunter Male Boba Fett


This is where your entry goes. Follow the task. Make it dramatic and full of feels and action. Stick to the Star Wars universe please.

After it's over, it's time for the deaths and ballots.

Deaths: This is where you list all the people killed off in your entry.

Politician Female Padme Amidala

Jedi Male Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ballots: This is where you list all the people you want to ballot (have a punishment next task)

Sith Male Count Dooku

Droid C-3PO

At the end of your entry, underneath the ballots, please sign off with some sort of a goodbye, including your wattpad username. You may also include a note to me if you want, but just make sure it includes your username.

This was sent in by jesusfreak202. 

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