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For a brief history lesson, this is seven years after Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith. 

Chancellor Palpatine was head of the Galatic Senate of the Republic, which was a democracy that had existed for over a thousand years. I won't tell you every detail (you'll have to watch Star Wars for that), but basically he was secretly an evil Sith Lord named Darth (or Lord) Sidious and he single handedly deceived everyone and turned a good, amazing man named Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Anakin became Darth Vader and led the Clone Troopers into the Jedi Temple and slaughtered all the ones that were on Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. 

Order 66 was a movement where the Clone Troopers turned on their Jedi Generals and betrayed them. They were all betrayed by Anakin, although that was mostly a secret except for the few close Jedi to him at the time. This took place in 19BBY. 

Seven years later, Emperor Palpatine uses Vader to enforce his cruel hand. The Senate is now referred to as the Imperial Senate. Slavery has been reestablished and everywhere the people are suffering at the hands of the Empire. 

No rebellions have broken out. The Empire has plans for a major destructive weapon, aka the Death Star, but in 14BBY the plans are moved from Geonosis and no one but those working on the project know about it. 

This is the year 12BBY. This is still seven years before Star Wars rebels begin, 12 years before Star Wars Rogue One, 12 years before the Death Star plans are stolen and 12 years before Episode four begins. 

The rebel alliance does not exist! (Yes I was shocked when I found that out too). Any existing Jedi are in hiding and the only known Sith are Lord Sidious/Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader himself. Vader has trained a few Inquisitors for the sole purpose of hunting Jedi and anyone who is Force sensative and seen as a threat to the Emperor. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

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