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Bet you guys get tired of this, huh? Well, I like to keep you guys well informed. 

We had too many people who didn't hand in: Trader Male, Politician Male, Politician Female, Citizen Male, Primitive Female and Jedi Male. Since we were only supposed to eliminated five this round, six would be too many. I didn't want to take away from the competition, that way you guys will all get to have a normal voting, so ZSB2000 has chosen to take on the Trader Male spot. I also have chosen Citizen Male and Jedi Male, which I'm changing to Jedi Female (since I already have Kanan) that I will write in the competetion like normal people. 

Politican Male, Politican Female and Primitive Female are left. If any of you want them, please take their spots. You can invent new characters. Just hand in the forms and Task One. Please, please, PLEASE: If you aren't going to write them, then don't take a spot. I am tired of drop outs and people not handing in. We all want this competition to work. So help me make it work!

I know it might not make sense to take on these characters - why not just eliminate the remaining five and be done with it? Why take on two other characters of my own? Well, at least if I take on these other two characters, I can write Task One for them - which I already have finished for both - and they can be eliminated in normal voting.  I want to try to keep the voting as normal as possble so please with these remaining three, take the spots. At least write Task One. It doesn't have to be good (unless you want it to be). We just want these spots filled so that the voting and competition can happen as normal. Don't do it if you're too busy or won't have enough time. I'll figure something else out.

For this reason, Task One scores and stuff will be delayed for a few days. Thank you for being patient. 

So if you need updated information on the spots filled, reload this book and re-look at the chapters for these spots. They will have the new character forms put in place of the old ones by the writers who didn't hand in. 

Please comment your opinions and especially if you want one of these spots. 

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