Sponsorship Task

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I'm amazed at how quickly feedback got back to me about the final spot. I'm just going to go ahead and write Kanan for the Games and do away with the Jedi Female spot. Obviously neither my husband or I can win, however we will each grade each other's characters, that way you guys all still have 20 people/characters to compete with (technically 19 not including your own characters). 

Make sense?

So without further ado, here is the Sponsorship Task!

The dark side pulsed and pulled, shimmering as it brought Sidious a great thrill. For so long it had been his companion, his only friend in a time when he had to hide who he really was from the rest of the galaxy. 

That time had long sense passed by.

Now, he grinned as he pressed a button in his holo-communicator.

"Yes, my Master?" His apprentice, Darth Vader, knelt before him, his blue-holographic form flickering lightly. 

"It is time. Have the Imperial scientists inject the subjects at once. The Games have now begun..."


Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sponsorship Task of the Star Wars Authors Games! Did you enjoy the brief introduction? 

Remember that since this is a sponsorship task, NO ONE will be eliminated this round. It's simply practice, to see how each of you write. The best ones will be sponsored by the Gamemakers. In the story, they will actually be betting that your character will win. 

There are many perks of being sponsored, including:

- Bonuses for your character during each task, except for the semi-finals and the finals

- Unlimited word count on a task of your choice BEFORE the semi-finals

- Save a friend from voting

- If you're sponsored and you find yourself on the voting chopping block, you will automatically be saved ONCE

- More detailed explanations behind your score for every task if you request it (since my feedback will not be as long this competition and since I dont have the time to critique your entries specifically)

- Request for my personal expectations from you next task

- A hint for the next task ahead of time and you can use this perk anytime BEFORE the semi-finals

Another words, you guys really want to write your best so that you'll be Chosen. Keep in mind that it's your CHARACTERS that are Chosen, so for those of you who have more than one, if one character is picked, you can only use the perks for them and not your other character.

For those of you who are just now playing an Authors Game for the first time, remember that you can include other people's characters in your entries, including mine (Kanan). You may also include the Gamemakers, as long as it's realistic that they would be there where you're located (for future tasks when you're not on the Emperor's star destroyer. 

Here is your sponsorship task:

You wake up inside a holding cell on a star destroyer (it's Emperor Palpatines, but there's no way you would know that for sure). You may encounter any Gamemaker you wish, as if they're coming into your cell to question you, including Vader but NOT SIDIOUS. 

Suddenly, your side character is brought before you. Whichever Gamemaker you pick (NOT Vader this time), mentally torments you and then when they're finished taunting you, they kill your side character. If your side character is a droid, they blow the droid up. If your side character is NOT a droid, then GIVE ME THE FEELS!

After you watch their death, whatever your deepest fear is, whatever your worst nightmare is, begins to happen. If your worst fear is drowning, then the room starts filling with water. 

Whatever your character's greatest fear and worst nightmare is MUST kill your character. Make it epic and dramatic... SCARE ME.

The twist:

It's a dream, but you don't know it. 

What really happened is that the Emperor had you injected with a drug that showed you your worst nightmare and makes you see your own death. 

Word count: 

1,250. Make it count

Due date: 

Feburary 14th. DO NOT BE LATE. Remember the rules about being late. 


None except your side character and yourself. 


ONE since this is the first round. Yes, you may ballot my character or either of my husbands. Choose wisely. No, if you ballot us it will not count against you or anything. 


Anyone who wins any of these awards will receive an extra point added onto their score. Since this is the beginning of the competition, this could really help you (AG vetrans, the score amount will increase in future tasks). 

- Nightmare: Whoever wins this will literally scare me with their entry and make it feel like a horrible nightmare

- Twist: Whoever wins this will come up with an epic twist with your characters back story that INCLUDES a Gamemaker (Vader and Sidious don't count)

- Tears: Whoever wins this will make me tear up when their side character dies (even if you have a droid, you can try this. I do have a soft spot for them sometimes)

Since this is the sponsorship task, please let me know if I have forgotten anything! 

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