Task Three: Obstacle Course

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Kaladin grinned sadisticaly, where he sat at the control panel while the tributes were all stumbling around, desperately trying to figure out how mechanical walls just appeared in front of them on the world of Obstillia. They could still see the landscape, but now they were trapped. 

"Hurt and wounded, many of them near death... The survivors from last task won't stand much of a chance with this," Dasram commented.

Kaladin laughed. "No, they won't. The few who do... They'll be one of the strongest. The ones that Lord Vader and Emperor Sidious could be looking for."

Missu histerically cackled and her wild eyes made even Kaladin lightly cringe, or perhaps it was the high pitch of her laugh. Either way, she annoyed him. "I can't wait for Yurrei to see what I have in store."

Dasram sighed, crossing his arms as he watched his sponored tributes trying to figure out what was going on. "Whatever you've done to him, won't stand against Kiernan or Jenaara."

Kaladin rolled his eyes. "Please...This is my obstacle course. I think Mayek has the best chance since he's sponsored by me."

Suddenly, harsh and deep mechanical breathing stopped whatever Ezaye was about to say. That breathing resonated deep inside all of them as Vader's voice spoke from behind them:



Welcome, everyone to Task Three!

Once you reach the transport outside Obstillia, it takes you down to the surface. Artificially made from droids, holograms and advanced technology, Obstillia's entire surface is a dark gray. Inquisitor Kaladin is in the Star Destroyer at the control panel, ready to create whatever world around you he desires. In this case, it is numerous configurations designed to test your skill. Each one of these obstacles must be deadly and has to include some sort of Star Wars technology to it. What these obstacles are and what they do, are entirely up to you. Show me how your character gets through this. Remember that they are deadly, so people will be dying and to keep themselves alive, they'll be trying to fight and hinder you while all this is going on. Don't forget that your weapons are gone and your injuries from the arena and space battle are still fresh since both of those happened only moments ago. Think The Box from Star Wars the Clone Wars (especially if any of you guys need a reference). 

The twist?

You have been chained to another tribute, one that you aren't fond of or someone that you don't know too well. In reality, I've paired everyone up with each other and together you and your partner must write the entry together. You can use whatever methods you want, and you both can hand in the same entry, but there will only be ONE entry for the both of you. You have to work with this person, no exceptions. I also better not hear of one person having to do all the work either. Below is a list of paired characters (the characters' writers are paired):

Bounty Hunter Male Sha'ar Kagle with Bounty Hunter Female Verita 

Slaver Female Sul-Juuk with Smuggler Male Mazhdar Schneljdar

Trader Male Mayek with Citizen Male Aevo

Citizen Female Jenaara Kalor with Jedi Male Kanan

Jedi Female Adaara with Sith Male Yurrei

Slave Male Kiernan Caleth, since you were highest on the ballot list, I'm combining that punishment with this. You were so well targeted last task that you have been seen as a threat. For this reason, you've been chained to three people, not only hindering yourself, but your pairs as well. You may choose a team to write with, but you must inform them both and write the entry with them. 

Word count:


Due date:

May 13th, 6pm central


You must witness one brutal death and you must kill one person yourself. It can't be an accident - you must kill them to hinder them from suceeding in the obstacle course. You can kill one more person if you wish, but only the two main ones are required. 


Since no one has really been using them, this task's ballots are required. You can ballot up to five people, but three of them you HAVE to do. 


Desperate Measures - To win this award, your character must be near failure in one of the obstacles. They must react to this in a desperate plan - hence the phrase "desperate times call for desperate measures."

All's Fair - To win this award, your character decides to be extremely selfish during this task. Everything they do is for their own survivial and no one else's - hence the phrase "All's fair in love and war."

Brains - To win this award, your character uses their intelligence rather than their brute strength - hence the phrase "brains over brawns," and yes I know I tweaked that one.

Find You - To win this award, your character must be separated from a loved one. They make this promise to them - hence the phrase "I will always find you."

If you win any of these awards, you will receive three extra points added onto your score. For some of you, this saved you from voting and for those of you who didn't receive one, this was your downfall. 

Sponsorship Bonus:

Kiernan, Jenaara and Kanan, Dasram has given you three choice injections. The way they work is that you can choose whether you want to use them or not. If you use them, they will last you through one whole round of obstacles, but as soon as they wear off you'll be weakened. Think of these like adrenaline boosts that also temporarily increase your strength.

Sul-Juuk, Agruss has installed a droid onto your back that makes you follow its commands like a puppet - the fun part is that Agruss is enjoying the fact that he's the one commanding you. It will only last through the first round of obstacles and how you react to it is entirely up to you but it will control you. 

Verita, Jicelli has given you an injection that will make your reaction times much faster than everyone else. 

Sha'ar, Ezaye has smuggled in a hold-out blaster for you to use. 

Yurrei, Missu knows the loss you just faced due to Zillah's death and the confusion you must be facing after her last "gift." She wants to see if you will use this confusion and pain to your advantage. Because of this she has used the Dark Side to remind you of Zilllah's death and show it to you several times over and over before the obstacle course begins. 

Mayek, Kaladin has used a tiny droid to show you a glimpse of the first obstacles just before they begin, but you don't have enough time to show anyone. Just enough time to remember as much of them as you can in the moment you saw. 

Aevo, Ish has given you shoes that will lock onto the objects they land on if you want them too. 

Punishment from last task's ballots:

Kiernan, for being highest on the ballot list, your punishment is that you're chained to two people instead of just one and you're required to work with their writers. 

SulJuuk, Yurrei, Adaara, Kanan, Verita, Meyek and Aevo, since you were lowest on the ballot list, since one of your wrists is chained to someone, your other wrist has been chained to your first, thus impairing you. 

If you have any questions or if I've forgotten anything or anyone, please let me know. Three people will be eliminated this round, which means that five will go up for voting. 

Good luck!

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