12: Politician Female: Jesla Hital

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This character was made by wordsmith-

Name: Jesla Hital

Age: 24

Profession: Politician

Race: Zabrak

Appearance: Jesla is neither pretty nor ugly, but rather somewhere in between. Long, dark hair hangs in waves down her back, turning purple in some lights. Small horns lie atop her head, startling against the darkness of her hair. Facial tattoos cover her face as a series of thin, sharp lines that go past her face, down to her neck and shoulders. Jeweled hair clips and a matching set of earrings and bracelet adorn her wrists and head, a concealed voice scrambler she wears at all times. Her proud posture and large gestures often make her seem taller than she actually is, though not by much.

Personality: Jesla, to say the least, is an intense person. She is fiercely independent and confident that she needs no one else to help her. A perfectionist, Jesla often has a single-minded determination to succeed, no matter how simple or complex her goal. Because of this, she rarely fails at anything she sets her mind to and has developed a sense of almost overbearing pride in her accomplishments. Dedicated and intense in everything from her work to love, Jesla is something of a closet idealist. She likes to believe that nothing is impossible, as long as one tries hard enough.

However, she has seen enough to know that such faithful optimism rarely helps her, and so has adopted a more pessimistic view to the world at the large. She's wary of all she meets, always wondering who they are beneath their outward mask. While charming when she needs to be, Jesla is not known for her warmth or kindness. And when she does do the "right" or good thing, she often does it in a way that makes it difficult to admire her. Years of balancing her politician persona and private personality has created strongly conflicting views within her. While she wants to see the good in people, years of being a politician has taught her that most people, including herself, are hidden by a layer of carefully constructed lies.

Planet they were born: Iridonia

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Iridonia, Coruscant

Weapon of Choice: A blaster and voice scrambler

Greatest Temptation: To fully become the pessimistic figure she is in public and let go of her optimism

Life Goal: To change the world for the better in some way.

Background: Jesla was born as the youngest daughter to a mother who was a politician and a father who was a weaponsmith. Even though they never said it aloud, Jesla was always assumed to be the favorite child. Despite this common belief, her older sister Aurei was never jealous, but rather shared her parents' love for Jesla, often being overprotective towards the younger girl. The two of them were very close, closer than most siblings around them.

Despite their closeness, they had very different interests. Jesla had very little interest in weapon making, though she excelled in the martial arts she trained in. Aurei was similarly skilled, though she enjoyed it more than Jesla ever had. Aurei became a bodyguard, making use of the training she received as a child while Jesla followed in their mother's footsteps. Her sometimes naïve optimism led to her idealizing the job of a politician, thinking she could help better the galaxy. She traveled to Coruscant as her mother had to be a representative for Iridonia. A knack for public speaking and reading people made her an effective leader and politician, so she quickly rose in the ranks, even joining the Loyalist Committee.

Jesla's often single-minded goals and pride, mixed with her unfailing sense of integrity, has led to her speaking out against many different things, and earned her many enemies. This has led to both her parents and her sister to grow worried about her, and eventually Aurei assigned herself as Jesla's bodyguard so she could watch over her little sister.

As Palpatine grew in power, Jesla found herself trusting him and his ideas less and less. Stubborn and with a sense of morality that seemed to bring more trouble than good, Jesla spoke out when she thought Palpatine was going too far. She tried to gain an audience with him like several other of the committee members, but she was never able to. Jesla began to speak out against him and the seeming unfettered control he was gaining. Aurei tried to stop her as many of Jesla's fellow members were arrested for doing the same, but Jesla refused. When Jesla was arrested and ended up in the arena, her only regret was that her sister was taken as well.

Side Character: Her sister, Aurei.

Loved Ones: Only three people fall into this category, Aurei and both their parents.

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