13: Citizen Male: Aevo

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This character was made by me! :) 

Name: Aevo

Age: 33

Profession: Citizen Male

Race: Zabrak

Appearance: He is dark red with black stripes on his body. His muscles are thick and his shoulders are broad. He towers over most everyone at an astonishing 6'8. Ivory-colored horns protrude from his head. In the middle of his head is long, hip-length hair that he keeps braided into a dozen braids, but only in the center of his head.

Personality: Aevo outwardly seems harsh and standoffish, but deep inside he's kind. Years of raw survival has molded into the perfect strategist. He knows how to fight even when the odds are stacked against him. He knows how to hunt for food, how to live on very little, how to adapt to strange and new situations. He is a quick-thinker and assesses everything about a situation before acting but does so in a timely manner.

Planet they were born: Kamino

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Iridonia, Tatooine Coruscant

Weapon of choice: Zhaboka, which is a dual-bladed staff wielded by most Zabraks

Greatest temptation: Having been born a clone, sometimes he can't help but enjoy a fight.

Life goal: To free his daughter and live a life away from the Empire, a life of peace, since all he's known is war and fighting.

Background: Aevo was actually a clone born on Kamino at the start of the Clone Wars. Before Order 66, he took out his chip and due to this, when the Clones turned on the Jedi, he didn't. His squad did and he was forced to watch as Vader himself wounded his Jedi commander, Kanan, close to death. After that, he ran. He ran away from the order, away from the clones. Because his Clone number was tattooed on his left cheek, he knew anyone who saw him would immediately know he was a deserter. To hide, he used nanotechnology to change the molecular structure of his body, thus becoming Zabrak. Since he had nowhere to go, he wondered to the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia. Due to the harsh conditions of the planet, his ship crashed and he wasn't able to escape. He lived with the Zabraks and their harsh warrior society for six and a half years. Zabraks are one of the most wide-spread races in the galaxy and for this reason many of them had left Iridonia. When the Empire rose to power, it began occupying all Zabrak-colonized worlds, forcing many of them to retreat to the safety of Iridonia. Inhospitable to humans, they were mostly safe from the Empire there. However, the Empire occupied all their colonies, stopped trade routes, forcing the Zabrak race into poverty to make an example of their resistance. This lead to a near-genocide of the entire race. During that time, Aevo trained with the other Zabraks, learning their advanced martial arts in their urge to survive the harsh, inhospitable terrain of Iridonia. The Zabrak council saw his potential as a great warrior and married him to the daughter of a highly important man in order to keep her safe. They had a two-year old child. Upon her next pregnancy, she died in childbirth from starvation due to the Empire's blockades. Aevo's two year old daughter was starving as well, so he convinced the council to lend him a ship where he managed to escape Imperial blockades and flee to Tatooine. There he and his daughter lived for another two years before they were found by the Empire. At first, nothing seemed wrong, but then an Imperial agent showed up, one who had a strong hatred toward Zabraks and knew that they had escaped the Imperial blockade. To Aevo's horror, they took his daughter away to an unknown fate, never to see her again. They took him to a facility where he was tortured for information about Iridonia and the Zabraks remaining there, but due to the Zabrak's strong will, he resisted it.

Side character: A Twi'lek with an amputated left lekku. She was a slave who was being tortured in the same prison with him. She doesn't speak.

Loved ones: Only his daughter

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Loved ones: Only his daughter. His wife and newborn baby are both dead, as are his Jedi friends, many of his Clone Brothers and the brothers amongst the Zabrak race that he made. His precious daughter is all that matters to him, except now he doesn't know where she is or if she's alive. 

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