9: Smuggler Male: Mazhdar Schneljdar

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This character was made by JesterheadJohnSnow

name: Mazhdar Schneljdar

age: 25

profession: smuggler

race: human

appearance: Mazhdar is endowed with grey eyes, a pale complexion, as well as shaggy, unkempt brown hair. He possesses a muscular frame and is roughly 5'10.
Personality: Mazhdar is a sly and cunning individual to his his occupation as a smuggler. He is a risk taker and tries to be stern on his crew, but he has a soft spot to his close friends.

Planet they were born: Alderaan

Any Planet he has been to: too many to list due to his occupation.

Weapon of choice: a small blaster

Greatest temptation: his girlfriend Peyna who he would defend with his life.

Life Goal: He wants to settle down with his girlfriend and start a family with her.

Background: Mazhdar was born in Alderaan before the last days of the Republic. His uncle served in the government of Alderaan so his family received a lot of special treatment.He was really close to his cousins Talia, Robben, and Seville and would tag along with them wherever they would go. They even had the honor of meeting the royal family of Alderaan at an event held in the royal palace. Mazhdar learned to appreciate the rainforests and other natural environments of his planet after learning from tangible experience why his planet was known as the 'the planet of beauty' by visitors. Once the Empire was formed, Mazhdar's cousins began to use their connections to facilitate a resistance against Imperial forces in nearby planets as well as opening a refugee camp on Alderaan for the victims of the Empire's brutal tactics. At this time, Mazhdar was working as a spice merchant on his ship, the Wolf-Cat, but he was also living a double life as a smuggler. He worked for various crime organizations like the Nalmar Crime family and the Lenushaa gang. , including Hutts like Jabba, to smuggle fake ids, drugs, fake credits, and even weapons to designated groups. He would be rewarded with a lot of credits as a result and he would make good use of his cash to help his cousins' cause. During one of his smuggling runs on the planet Naboo, he had met Peyna, the daughter of a slain crime lord as she had caught them smuggling blacklisted cargo aboard the Wolf-Cat. Fearing for their safety, Mazhdar had drawn his sidearm, only to be disarmed by the fiery girl. In exchange for her not reporting their cargo to the Imperials, Peyna had demanded to join their crew in order to see the rest of the galaxy.Mazhdar would soon relent and eventually fall in love with her..Not long after, their ship would be boarded by Imperial forces and various outlawed weapons Mazhdar had planned to ship to Talia's resistance forces.

Side character: his girlfriend Peyna.

  Loved ones: his three cousins, Talia, Robben, and Seville

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  Loved ones: his three cousins, Talia, Robben, and Seville. 

Jicelli: "You may not be a politican, but you certainly have the family of one. Your sly nature is one that I find attractive. I just might bet on you yet."

Ish: "Yosa just might make it in desa bombad arena..." 

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