Task 6: Sul-Juuk

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Sul-Juuk kept an eye on the controls as the ship sped through space. The Empire was definitely following them, but they had already achieved their freedom and the Empire was a thing of the past.

A figure sat beside her in the co-pilot seat. From the corner of her eye, she assumed it was Kim-Ny.

"Ma'am?" asked a small, pleasant voice.

Sul-Juuk was startled to see Mayek's daughter facing her with her hands resting delicately on her two bony knees.

"What is your name?"

Sul-Juuk smiled. It wasn't normal for her to smile, but after everything she thought it might be time to change that. "I am Sul-Juuk. What is yours?"

"Adda-Suu. I've never seen another Cathar other than my mother. I think you're beautiful."

Sul-Juuk was speechless at the compliment of the young girl. Certainly during her time as a slave many called her beautiful, but this was different. This girl was the legacy of a struggling race and a rare breed of brave men.

"I don't remember a lot from when I was little. All I've really known is how to be a slave. And my brother – he hasn't been free a day in his life until now. Your daughter says you were a slave once. I wanted to ask you... h-how... how do you be free?"

Sul-Juuk glanced at the controls in thought. She remembered having the same question when she was exonerated out of her own servitude. All she had was a promise and an unborn child.

"Freedom is only as free as you want it to be," she began, "If you can't let go of what was done to you or your family, you'll always be a slave to that memory. It will shape your life whether you wish it or not. You must first have a free heart. Sometimes it takes a very long time to realize it. And once you do, there is no going back. Freedom becomes a part of you." Sul-Juuk gazed off into the streaming stars outside the visor. That's was true freedom was.

"When did you realize this?" Adda-Suu asked, her eyes wide in curiosity.

Sul-Juuk sighed with a melancholy smile, "Today."

Kanan walked up to them to look over the radar. "Looks like they gave up," he said, pointing out the lack of Empirical vessels following them.

"That's odd," Yuurei commented as he overheard him, "Why would the Empire just give up like that? Sidious would kill his inquisitors just to get to Kanan and I."

Kanan should his head, "I don't know. Something feels off about this."

"Do you think we should exit hyperspace and see if we can find a hospitable planet to recuperate on?" Sul-Juuk asked.

"It could be a trick, but I do need medical attention," Kanan said, wincing in pain.

Sul-Juuk looked to Yuurei. It seemed fit that he got a say in the situation as well. He pressed his lips in a fine line with a frown before nodding, "Agreed."

Sul-Juuk calculated the co-ordinates to an advanced planet and pulled them out of hyperspace. As she did, everyone crowded around to watch, eager to see their destination.

The rain of light abruptly stopped and suddenly they were still. Everyone held their breath as they looked into space.

"No," Kim-Ny mewed.

A fleet of starships surrounded them. There was no way out. There was no freedom. There was no corner of the galaxy they could go. The Empire would always be there.

"Are we being hailed?" Kanan broke the silence.

Sul-Juuk hesitated before accepting it, knowing she couldn't avoid the inevitable.

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