Task One: The Fallen

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Fidget, the little Ewok everyone knew would die in the first round, may have died but the manner in which he did shocked people across the entire galaxy. He and his best friend Skree fought side-by-side to protect the young Wookie child for as long as they could. They met their end together and Fidget passed on, longing to be with his wife. 

Ghramba met her end shortly after, despite the Ewok's heroic acts to save her. She was killed by Keiji, who sadistically killed her by slitting open her throat. 

Paying too much attention to his prey, Keiji didn't see a rancor coming from behind him and he met his end quickly as the rancor ate him. 

Mission jumped at the chance to finally release the anger he held inside. He fought against Mazhdar and Sha'ar, who both temporarily teamed up to kill him. The fight was long and grueling, but at last the Bounty Hunter-Smuggler team killed the politican. 

Zira lost a lightsaber duel with Yurrei and Kanan as Zira tried to kill both Adaara and Zillah. Kanan and Zillah were both injured, leaving Yurrei the one that finally slaughtered Zira for her actions. By that time, Kanan narrowly escaped death with Adaara and Aevo's help. Yurrei tended to Zillah's wounds and fortunately, she lived. 

To recap: 

Zillah and Kanan both survived. 

Fidget, Ghramba, Zira, Keiji and Mission all fell in the  Geonosian arena. 

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