Sponsorship Task: Male Entries

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1. Bounty Hunter Male Sha'ar Kagle

" Where should I shoot, Mr. Sha'ar?"

The kid had looked at him for guidance, clutching a blaster too large for his small arms. After all, the kid never held one before. Around them, blaster fire was streaking across the air.

"Anywhere," Sha'ar had replied, as he shot at a scout trooper.

Nodding, Kaikai had fired the weapon, which had caused Sha'ar to duck as the laser bolt shot overhead.

"I didn't mean at me!" Sha'ar had groaned. " Anyhow, on my count, we make a dash for those trees!"

"Now?" Kaikai had asked.


No, tomorrow," Sha'ar had rolled his eyes. "Of course now! Oh, and do not forget the credits! We can't make it on our own without them, Keekee."

"It's Kaikai," his assistant had responded as he held their bag.

"Whatever, now follow my lead!"

With that, he had dragged his assistant toward the tree lines.

Sha'ar snapped out of his flashback as he heard footsteps walking past his holding cell. He stared at the dark blue door and listened intently as the sounds rose, indicating that the footsteps were approaching fast. For a second, he thought he heard heavy breathing, but dismissed it as a figment of his imagination. He let out a sigh of relief as the footsteps receded down what he thought was the hallway.

"Why am I even here?" Sha'ar grumbled to himself. The Shi'ido recounted the events that led up to his capture and just sighed. He then felt a pang of guilt as he remembered Kaikai was in the hands of the Imperials. Sha'ar shuddered to think what was happening to the poor kid in the clutches of the bucketheads, the term he describes the Imperial stormtroopers with.

"All due to my inane plans," The bounty hunter sighed to himself. Then he remembered something else that was important. My credits! He frantically raked his eyes across his Mandalorian armor, the same color as the walls of his cell, only to find that his spare satchel was missing. In his rage, he punched the wall.

"You kriffing bucketheads!" he shrieked at the door. " How dare you touch my credits! Too lazy to get your own, are you?!"

The Shi'ido bounty hunter sat back down on his cot and sighed. There was no form of entertainment in this compact room save for lying down which had the bounty hunter bored out of his mind.

"No obvious form of entertainment, huh?" he grumbled. "I guess I'll have to make do."

Sha'ar cleared his throat, took a breath, and started to sing at the top of his lungs. He bellowed out his song, his voice rising by the second. The thought about losing all those credits as well as his young assistant fueled his persistence as he angrily sang in the Shi'ido language. It wasn't long until he heard a pounding on the door.

" Quiet!" a stormtrooper's muffled voice sounded.

"Hey, just because you can't sing doesn't mean you should be jealous of my voice!" Sha'ar retorted. "Besides, if my singing bothers you, I highly recommend you let me out of this cage that is not even suitable for a Bantha!"

An awkward silence ensued after that. Just as I thought, Sha'ar thought with a smirk. These bucketheads actually need to learn to follow through.

The door then shot open, resulting in the Shi'ido raising his head to see who entered his cell. His eyes grew wide as a tall figure with pale skin, who was also donning a navy blue cloak, sauntered into the room. The figure , flanked by a couple stormtroopers , smirked at Sha'ar as he came to stop in the middle of the room.

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