Task Three: The Fallen

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Verita was betrayed by  her fellow bounty hunter, Sha'ar. As soon as they completed Kaladin's challenges and were unchained, Verita assumed their alliance would become permaneant. Sha'ar, with his hands on a blaster, betrayed her and shot her in the back, followed by her companion. She was instantly killed, mercilessly betrayed by someone she thought she could trust. 

During the challenges, the threeway team of Mazhdar, SulJuuk and Kiernan had more trouble than the others. Dealing with three people became their downfall. Mazhdar was the first to die, falling from a beam high in the air. Realizing they had to do whatever it took to save themselves, Kiernan and SulJuuk used the obstacle to slice off Mazhdar's hand and detach his body from theirs. 

As Kiernan and SulJuuk continued through the challenges together, working as a team, they rescued their companions and believed Kaladin's challenges to be over. It wasn't. All four of them were going to die, unless someone elected to die for them. Kiernan, unable to rip away a mother and daughter, urged SulJuuk to live for her daughter. "I have no one. You do," he told her. With tears streaming down her face, SulJuuk grabbed her daughter and ran, leaving Kiernan behind. His faithful pet stayed by his side the entire time. SulJuuk's only regret was that she didn't tell Kiernan how much he meant to her. 

Again, I tried to make your character deaths as accurate to your entires and as realistic and true to their characters as possible. I love all of your writing and characters and I'm beyond sad to see all of you go! You're all amazing writers and still deserve to be here. Alas, it's a competition, which means that some peope must fall. If you want to write your character deaths, I'll post them here! 

To recap:

SulJuuk and Sha'ar both survived. 

Verita, Mazhdar, and Kiernan all died in Kaladin's Challenges. 

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