Finals Voting

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Hello everyone and welcome to the finals voting of Author's Games: Star Wars!

Below is a list of our three finalists. Please read their entries before making your decision. When you've decided, please give me the name of ONE that you think deserves to win the Games, along with an explaination of WHY they deserve to win. 

Slaver Female Sul-Juuk Pornh

Citizen Female Jenaara Kalor 

Sith Male Yuurei 

Due date:

July 29th, 6pm central

All three of you had fantastic entries. Jenaara, you made me cry and truly ended it giving me so many Star Wars feels. Yuurei, I loved the insight into his life and it felt like a true ending for him. Sul-Juuk, you brought it full circle and gave me feels for all the characters and ended it on a true Star Wars note as well. 

In the case of a tie, I will (unfortunately) have to cast my vote to be the tiebreaker. 

Good luck. You all three deserve to win!

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