2: Bounty Hunter Female: Verita

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This character was made by wordsmith-

Name: Verita

Age: 26

Profession: Bounty hunter

Race: Mandalorian human

Appearance: Verita is rarely seen out of her armor, yet she's easily recognized due to its distinctive look. Inspired by the design of Nite Owl armor, hers is a set of plate pieces with metallic blue and grey coloring. Two parallel lines of grey dominate her torso, her own unique symbol. Verita makes an imposing figure in her full armor, with a stature of 5'11" and slim body.

Beneath her armor, Verita is just as imposing, for she has the looks of a statue, beautiful and untouchable. Red-orange locks curl just past her shoulders, a sharp contrast to her pale skin. Almost unnaturally blue eyes are set in her face, cold and steely. They are her most prominent feature, striking fear into those unlucky enough to see beneath her helmet.

Personality: Growing up with three brothers, one would think Verita was the "girly" one, but in all actuality, it was the opposite. Verita was the "tough" one in her family, taking on the role of protective older sister effortlessly. Determined and stubborn, she has no problem with voicing her own opinion and arguing it in defense of herself or her loved ones. She's loyal to a fault, willing to go to almost lengths for those she loves, no matter what it takes. However, this kind of loyalty is something that doesn't come easily. Verita is wary of all new people, and it takes quite a while for her to warm up to anyone, let alone consider them family.

Planet they were born on: Mandalore

Planet(s) you live on now or have visited frequently: Kalevala

Weapon of Choice: Mandalorian armor; blaster rifle; hold-out blaster

Greatest Temptation: Verita would do almost anything to prove her brother is alive and bring him home.

Life Goal: She just wants to bring her family back together and live peacefully with them.

Background: Verita was born on Mandalore to the Ruta Clan. She grew up with a pair of younger twin brothers and an older brother, Jonak. When she was 16, a bounty was placed on her brother's head by Thaggirt, one of Palpatine's men, after he had captured the wrong person for his own bounty. Her family went on the run, traveling from city to city, planet to planet until they were finally tracked down by another bounty hunter: Sujan. Sujan took only her brother, but before Jonak was delivered to Thaggirt Sujan's ship was attacked. There was never any proof of what happened to Jonak, and Verita was convinced Jonak had escaped.

The rest of her family disagreed, creating a divide between them and Verita. They told her that she was only causing unnecessary pain for everyone, and focused on finding a new home; years of running had left them without a permanent home. Eventually though, they made a home in Kalevala. However, Verita was restless in Kalevala, and became determined to find Jonak and bring him home. She decided that the only way to find him was to go traveling. Her family didn't have enough credits for her to travel everywhere, so Verita eventually decided to become a bounty hunter, as they traveled to different planets all the time. She left to go on her first mission as a bounty hunter not long after. With each new success, her reputation grew, along with her disappointment at not finding Jonak.

Six months ago, Verita heard whispers about a man that matched her brother's description. Convinced it was him, she followed the whispers to the planet Ryloth. Upon arrival, Verita discovered it had been a trap set to capture her.

Side Character: Isaos Nigua, an escaped slave who helped her when she was wounded after one of her missions.

Side Character: Isaos Nigua, an escaped slave who helped her when she was wounded after one of her missions

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Loved Ones: Her parents, the twins and Isaos. There is also her oldest brother, though only she believes he's still alive.

Dasram: "So naive... bogged down by loyalty and morals... If it wasn't for those perhaps you wouldn't be in your current predicament, girl."

Ezaye: "Now you're someone I actually could get along with."

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