Sponsorship Choices

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Dasram had watched Kiernan's conversation with Missu. In fact, he was the one who set it up in the first place, to see how Kiernan would react. Kiernan reacted perfectly. Dasram sees his strength, especially when it comes to strength enough to resist Missu's torments. For this reason, Dasram has decided to sponsor Kiernan. Dasram sees an inner strength in Jenaara. Not only does he see the potential for darkness inside her, but a strength of mind and will as well. He's decided to sponsor her. Yet despite these two choices, Dasram couldn't resist sponsoring Kanan, his old rival. He will not stop until Kanan turns to the Dark Side and in the meantime, he knows Kanan has what it takes to survive.

Agruss can't resist... Zillah is simply much too appealing. So, he will sponsor her as well. Sul-Juuk, being a previous slave turned slaver, it is much too tempting. His bets have been placed. Now it's up to Zillah and Sul-Juuk to win.

Meanwhile, Jicelli was carefully watching Verita's body language while talking with Ezaye. Without even speaking with her, Jicelli's trained eyes immediately picked up on Verita's deceptive nature. Without a second thought, Jicelli chose to sponsor Verita, knowing that her bets were placed on the right tribute.

Missu may long for the death of someone she had nearly forgotten, but deep inside she knows how well trained Yurrei is. For this reason, there isn't anyone else she would place higher bets on. She will sponsor Yurrei and if he wins, she looks forward to what she has planned for him.

Ezaye believes she has a perfect deal with Sha'ar Kagle. As a fellow bounty hunter, she understands him. His only motive is, like herself, credits. For this reason, she's decided to sponsor him. Much to everyone's surprise, she placed one more bet that no one was expecting. Sarilea Valkir's only motive for winning was credits and this definitely appealed to Ezaye. So, she decided to sponsor one more... Now, it's up to Sarilea and Sha'ar to win.

Kaladin closely observed Virith Algora while he was in the nightmare. His dark mind appealed to Kaladin, which is the reason why he's placed all his bets on Virith and has decided to sponsor him.

Ish Yoth has decided to sponsor Fidget. He knows everyone else is underestimating the little Ewok and expecting him to be nothing but bantha poodoo. Ish, however, sees a strength and determination in the little guy that no one else does.

Please read through everything to find out who is sponsored. Remember your perks and use them! This is an advantage for you to use, so use it! Also, unlike previous Authors Games, YOU CAN LOSE YOUR SPONSORSHIP AT ANY TIME AND YOU CAN ALSO GAIN SPONSORSHIP AT ANY TIME. So if you didn't get sponsored, impress me with your writing and appeal to a particular Gamemaker and you just might get added. However, if you're sponsored and your writing starts to lack, you will be taken off the list. So always write your best and turn in on time. Failure to do so will result in being taken off the Sponsorship list.

If you weren't sponsored and want to know why, please send me a private message and I would be happy to tell you how to improve to get added to the list.

Task One will be updated soon!

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