My Audition

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I'm waiting on one last person to hand in their audition, which gives us a total of 19 people. I'm going to participate and be the 20th, although I won't be able to win. Since you guys all had to audition (and you did a fantastic job too), I decided to hand in my own audition. 

The scene I chose, one I hate is when Anakin gets burned. It broke my heart to see him turned against Obi-Wan like that and it still just... arg. Hurts. Every time. So here it is from Obi-Wan's perspective.

The word count is 1, 122 (hey originally it was over three thousand words, so I'm proud) so I did go over the word count. And I didn't make it in the due date, because I didn't realize I would have to audition for my own Games. It only took me a few hours, so technically I would have had it in the due date. Now, without further ado, my audition. Enjoy!

 "I have failed you. I have failed you!"

"I should've known the Jedi were plotting to take over!" he screamed back. The colors of his eyes were completely red, and underneath, his eyes were bruised and purple; bloodshot.

"Chancellor Palpatine is evil!" I could no longer hide how desperate I was for him to see the truth.

"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!"

"Well then you are lost!" I yelled, feeling my heart break. I couldn't believe it had come to this. My brother.....was really and truly lost...

We both flowed to opposite ends of the river, then came back together in the middle. We stood there, staring at each other for a minute. I was lost for words, and I could sense he was craving my death. He needed it. The dark side flowed in him and through him, going through every part of him, poisoning him, consuming him through and through. The dark side played with his mind, grew and grew, knowing that it finally had gotten him for good. The dark side toyed with him, seduced him.... I could see the darkness within him; I could feel it in the Force. I felt it to the very core of my being. I could feel the great tremor in the Force; I could see the grayness and fog the dark side had put on the Force.

We stared a moment longer, before he spoke finally.

"This is the end for you my master," he said to me.

I nodded in finalization. This is it. There is no going back. For either of us now.. He jumped over me and landed behind me. I turned to face him on the piece of metal, as he struggled to stay on and not fall into the lava. He attacked me again and again and our lightsabers hit sixteen times in eight seconds. On the seventeenth strike, our lightsabers met and formed an X right in between both of our faces.

I jumped back and off the piece of metal, sensing the land behind me. As I leapt away, he swung his lightsaber down, but missed right as my feet landed on solid ground. The metal piece floated beside the bank, staying there.

He glared at me, his eyes wild, his mouth grimacing in anger. Evil completely surrounded him. "It's over! I have the high ground!" I yelled, trying to warn him.

"You underestimate my power!" His eyes were wild and crazed with the dark side. He was fully the Sith now, the Sith that Palpatine had created. I felt anger toward what Palpatine had done him, how he had erased who my old apprentice used to be. There was no trace of the slave boy, the young Jedi apprentice, the teenage Jedi Padawan learner, no trace of the wonderful husband, no trace of the son....the best friend....the listener...No trace of the brother that he once was.

There was nothing left of him, nothing at all.....

"Don't try it!" I pleaded, sensing what he was about to do. I realized that I couldn't bear his death, no matter what he was now. Who he used to be was too hard for me to let go of and I couldn't bear to see him die.

He yelled, loud and hurled himself toward me.

I held my lightsaber up over my head for protection. It swung through and cut through his left arm and sliced down, severing his legs. Landing on the ground, he cried out and rolled down the bank until his right mechanical arm helped him stop about two yards away from the lava river.

I turned my lightsaber off and slipped it onto my belt. My eyes were full of pain, staring down at the mess that used to be my best friend. He screamed and groaned as I moved up farther away, with tears in my eyes.

"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" I screamed in mental agony and everything that happened as I trudged further up the hill.

Stretching out with the Force, I tried to get a glimpse of his thoughts and feelings, if there was anything left. I reached into him with the Force, and was surprised to see that I could sense what he was feeling.

His eyes were wilder than ever before, crimson and golden, fire raging inside them. Below his eyes, they were bruised purple and black. He groaned and wanted to hear what I was saying, wanted to listen and to understand those words. He wanted to feel for me, he wanted to feel sorry, feel guilty, feel emotional pain, but he couldn't.

Anger consumed him, stuck in his mind, in his heart, burned in his spirit and lived in his very soul. His hate for me for betraying him was stronger, stronger than anything he'd felt before.

It was even stronger than his love for Padme.

"I hate you!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Tears threatened to flow down my face, threatened to hurt me even more than what I was already feeling.

"You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!" Was that honesty in my voice, or compassion? Pain or sorrow? Desperation or acceptance?

He screamed as his clothes, his hair, his body...all became hotter from being so close to the flowing lava. All of the sudden, his clothes burst into flames and seared them. Flames consumed him and he screamed in agony as he was burned and burned. He screamed and screamed and reached out with his right mechanical hand, which was also consumed in flames.

I turned my head from the sickening, jumbled mass and felt pain in my heart. Every one of his screams branded my mind. The image seared all previous memories of how he used to be. The loving, caring, compassionate, selfless boy he once was, was replaced by this...this thing that he had now become.

As I walked off, a great pain burned in my soul. I could barely feel the Force there with me, as I walked all the way back to the ship. I barely heard C-3P0's voice as he spoke to me. I listened, from a thousand miles away in my mind.

My heart, my mind...They took one last trip into my memory, seeing who my old apprentice, my son, my friend, my brother, had once been and who he was now.

His name was Anakin Skywalker.

Now, he was Darth Vader, dark Lord of the Sith.

"Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader."

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