Task Four: Scores and Awards

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Here are Task Four's Awards:

Emotional Breakdown - 

I'm giving this to Yuurei and Jenaara because both of their characters felt like they couldn't handle it anymore. 

Sanity -

Yuurei. Literally. Went. Insane. 

True Evil - 

My husband JamesWhite074 has chosen Kanan to win this award because: "You did model Kanan turning to the dark side after Vader and he did turn and ended up killing his old friend... So I think he deserves to win True Evil." I'm also giving this to Jenaara because she slaughtered a bunch of people, including her father and she was shocked about what she had done. 

Twisted Reveal - 

Yuurei's reveal that Missu was his old trainer. o.o 

Sadistic Tactics -


If you won more than one award (Yuurei and Jenaara), you still only receive three points onto your overall score. But because you guys won  more than one, YOU ARE SAFE FROM VOTING NO MATTER YOUR OVERALL SCORES.

Here are the scores for this task alone:

Slave Female Sul Juuk - 13

Citizen Female Jenaara - 13

Sith Male Yuurei - 13

Trader Male Mayek - 12.9

Jedi Male Kanan - 12.9

Bounty Hunter Male Sha'ar Kagle - 12.7

Citizen Male Aevo - 0

Jedi Female Adaara - 0

Here are the scores overall:

1. Citizen Female Jenaara [72.8]

2. Jedi Male Kanan [72.7]  

3. Trader Male Mayek [72.3] 

4. Sith Male Yuurei [70.4]  

5. Bounty Hunter Male Sha'ar Kagle [66.9]

6. Slave Female Sul Juuk [65.7]  

7. Jedi Female Adaara [57.1]

8. Citizen Male Aevo [56.8]  

Three people will be eliminated this round. Aevo and Adaara have dropped out, which means that only ONE of you will be voted off. Only TWO will go up for voting - the two people at the bottom of the overall score list (except for Aevo and Adaara since they're already eliminated). 

Here are the ballot scores:

1. Yuurei - 3

2. Shaa'r, Kanan and Mayek - 2

3. Jenaara - 1

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