Task Three: Adaara and Yuurei

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I'm posting the tasks that I'm teaming up on, so you know that my partners and I handed in before the due date. Our word count wa 4,252 so Yuurei used his sponsorship perk of unlimited word count. Enjoy!

Adaara stared at the chain on her wrist connecting her to the Sith, half of her feeling terrified and the other half feeling angry. Just as he stirred, she flinched.

He opened his eyes, slowly adjusting to the low light. Beams of light shot sporadically all around him, and his heart rate sped up at first as he wondered if they were under attack. Chains rattled on his wrists. One long chain connected his wrists together, and the other led to another person, who was staring at him with wide eyes. His eyes flew to the Jedi woman beside him.

"They're ray shields," Adaara said, watching his gaze. She glared at the other chain connecting both of her wrists together with disdain.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, his mouth feeling dry. "Yeah... Sure..."

Adaara shifted her weight uncomfortably, unsure whether he would kill her, or not. Kanan, she thought, wishing more than anything that he was here. But he isn't. Standing up, she stared at the Sith, wondering what to do next.

Yuurei stared back at her, feeling empty. Zillah... Zillah is gone... I... I killed her. I'm the reason she didn't make it... I couldn't control myself. I went full-blown Sith, and she died because of me. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he stared blankly through the woman who was chained to him in this restrictive shield.

"There was an announcement," Adaara said, picking up a blaster rifle from the ground. "We have to shoot it through the slit here to free the people across from us. I don't know how to convince them to free us."

"Just shoot the thing already... Who cares if they free us? Why play this idiot's game anyway? We're not going to win," Yuurei said dispassionately.

Adaara huffed, glaring at him. "You may not care what happens, but I do. I have a husband who loves me and I have to live for him. I'm going to live through this, somehow... Someway. I can't give up. I just can't." Adaara bit her lip and closed her eyes to keep from crying.

"Okay... Sounds fantastic. How about if you do that and when you're done, you put a laser through my head? You're a Jedi... Surely you'd have no problem killing one more Sith."

"No, I wouldn't. Unfortunately, we're chained together and I can't carry your body weight." She didn't want to say that she couldn't do it with the Force either. She grabbed his collar and shook him. "After this is all over, if you still want to die, I'll kill you. Happily. But until then, I need you. So man up and help me figure this out!"

"What if I decide not to?" he asked sulkily, attempting to cross his arms and failing as the chain tugged her off balance. Zillah... I'm so sorry... The tears threatened to spill over, and he felt like a petulant child instead of a grown man. It threw him back to his past in far too many ways for his liking.

Adaara clenched her teeth. She had to think of something herself, some way to get herself out of this, without using the Sith for help. Since he's useless... What would Kanan do? Deep inside, she hated that she thought of him in this instance like her Master... rather than her husband. Shaking her head, she turned around, keeping her chained wrist behind her, and peered through the slit to the other ray shield.

Yuurei wrinkled his nose, her distasteful glare rousing him from the stupor just a bit. But as soon as he attempted to care, his mind went back to the terrible nightmares he'd woken from not five minutes ago. She... She looked so crumpled. His body still hurt from the pounding it had taken fighting the Zabrakian and from the beating it took when he hit Obstilia's surface. It reminded him of what he'd dragged Zillah through. He had promised to take care of her, but he had failed. You failed... You failed, Missu's voice taunted him in his mind just as it had in his nightmarish visions of Zillah's death, which had played over and over again without cessation until he'd woken up here. "You have a plan, then?" he asked glumly, trying to pull himself out of his own head for a moment.

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