Meet the Gamemakers: Ezaye

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Name: Ezaye

Age: 26

Profession: Bounty Hunter

Race: Mirialan

Appearance: Typical to Mirialans, Ezaye has green skin with native black tattoos on her waist stretching up her side and around her left shoulder. Her hair is black and in cornrows, reaching knee length in several different braids. Her bangs reach over her left eye, obscuring her face markings also typical to her race.

Planet they were born: Mirial

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Planet they were born: Mirial

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Tatooine, Coruscant

Weapon of choice: Electrostaff or blaster

Side character: Mazi, her silent older brother. He uses a green lightsaber, though everyone usually assumes it's from a Jedi he's killed. He only speaks to Ezaye in private and even then only on occasion. To the rest of the universe, it's as if he's taken a vow of silence.

Background: Ezaye was abandoned by her parents when she was young, though she never knew why

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Background: Ezaye was abandoned by her parents when she was young, though she never knew why. It was only six years ago, when she got a bounty to bring in a Force sensitive youngling that she ran into the youngling and the one protecting him—Mazi. When the Jedi Order fell, Mazi was only a Padawan. They realized they were brother and sister and Ezaye let the youngling go. Mazi explained to her that their parents didn't want two children taken by the Jedi Order, so they had given Ezaye away. Mazi's master had protected him and he fled. He found a device in the form of a necklace that keeps away his Force abilities. For this reason, he can hide in plain sight and pose as a bounty hunter with his sister.

Tributes she will sponsor: She will only sponsor one tribute, since she hates everyone in the universe except for her brother. She lives for the next paycheck, so anyone who is selfish and thinks only of themselves, like she does, or someone who lives for money will be someone she'll sponsor. 

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