Chapter 6

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Date : October 22, 2009
Age : 12
POV : Brennan

the funeral;

"Now I would like to start with a quote from Winnie the Pooh," she paused and took a breath, "'I can't believe how lucky I am to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I think the hardest thing about losing Caleb was realizing that he is no longer with us. He could light up the room with his smile and he had a special place in everyone's heart. He always told me to be grateful, and to cherish the things that do not last. I think he's taught us all a very important lesson - and that's to live everyday like its the last day of your life. Yes, no one expected Caleb would pass, but he did. I haven't seemed to wrap my head around that fact that he did, but I think it's something that we all need to do. He was the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. I still remember all of his jokes and pranks he played on us. But Caleb was also creative. He could come up with the craziest ideas and inventions I would only dream of thinking of. In fact, every year, my Caleb, his friends, and family friends would come together at our house for dirty Santa. Everyone would either bring a normal gift or something crazy and random. But Caleb," she paused and chuckled, "would always wrap a framed picture of himself, and Ms. Jill got his present every single year." Annie paused and everyone laughed. "I would give anything for that gift right now because of the fact that it was from Caleb. I have missed that boy more than anyone could ever imagine, but I'm glad I have a best friend like Brennan. I don't think anyone has seen me cry more than him in these past three weeks. He has put up with me, he has hugged me, and he has also reminded me of what a wonderful life I already have. He is so much like Caleb in many ways, and Brennan never let go, and I am thankful for that. ' Thank you."

Annie put her hair behind her ear and started walking towards me. I stood up and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." she sniffled into my shoulder.

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