Chapter 19

876 17 13

Date : December 17, 2011
Age : 15
POV : Annie

Turns out I took Brennan's advice about the whole basketball thing. I made the team and our first game was today.

"You ready?" Brennan said.

"Uh, I guess." said as I took his hand and headed out to the car.

"don't worry. I know you'll do great." Brennan smiled.

As we got into the car I sighed. I kept on looking at Brennan with fear, and every time I did, he squeezed my hand.

Eventually, we got to the school and Miss Jill said, "This is where we stop."

"Thank you for taking us." I smiled.

"no problem. good luck ans!" she smiled.

I shut the door and found Brennan. he wrapped his arm around me and walked with me towards the gym.

"I'm so nervous." I said.

"My first basketball game, I was nervous too. but in the end, I loved it. I know you'll love being out there on the court. and win or lose, you know I will still celebrate with you after its over." he smiled.

I looked up at him and laughed.

we entered the gym and he walked me over to the girls locker room.

"I'll see you when it's over." I said.

he pecked me on the lips and said, "see ya. good luck Annie."

"thanks." I whispered.

I entered the locker room and saw my teammates.

"hey Annie!" they all said.

I smiled. "hey guys."

and then, as if on cue, the coach came in.

"girls, find a spot to sit and make yourself comfy." she paused. "okay, so it's the first game of the season. you girls should have fun!" she smiled, but soon continued. "now, Annie, you'll be our point guard. you will drive the ball up the court and either shoot it or pass."

"okay." I replied.

she went on to talk about other players positions.



"game time girls." coach said.

I went on the court and looked at Brennan. he flashed he best friend sign at me and I smiled.

tip off went by quickly and I jumped for the ball. I came down with the ball in my hands and dribbled down the court. the other team was in a weird defense, leaving my three point shot wide open. I shot the ball and it sunk in.

"yeah!" I yelled as my teammates high-fived me.

the opponents quickly made their way down the court and I stopped their point guard.

she picked up her dribble and she was stuck. she tried to pass it to her teammates but I intercepted it.

I dribbled the ball down the court and went up for a lay up. a girl pushed me down, causing a foul, but when the ball went in the hoop, the crowd went wild.

I stepped up to the free throw line and nothing-but-netted the first shot.


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