Chapter 62

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Date : September 10, 2015
Age : 18
POV : Annie

"Oh my god Sydney I am so excited!" I told her. I couldn't keep myself still. We were going to see Brennan tomorrow and I couldn't believe it.

"Annie, I know. I'm excited too." she smiled. "But seriously you need to calm down." she laughed.

"But I can't calm down. I mean, I've missed him so much and just I don't know what to do without him." I squealed.

"You really love him, right?" Sydney asked.

"Of course." I said.

Sydney just smiled at me and continued packing. "So what team are we cheering for? Because, I mean like, there is Stanford, but then there is Brennan's team."

"Well that's what I've been trying to decide these past few weeks. But I think that I will just cheer for both." I said.

"So you aren't choosing?" Sydney asked.

"Well, it was either that I cheered for Brennan's team, or that I cheered for both. So I chose to cheer for both." I told her.

"Okay, fair enough." she told me.

I then turned around and finished up my packing. Once we were both done with grabbing all of our luggages, we went over to Maddie's room.

Knock Knock Knock

The door quickly opened and we saw Maddie sitting there with her luggage.

"You ready?" Sydney asked her.

"Yes." she smiled.

All three of us then walked over to the boy's room. We had to walk up the stairs and then walk down their long hallway.

When we finally reached their room, I knocked on the door.

Knock Knock Knock

We heard some small footsteps come to the door as it began to open. We saw Hayden with Ethan standing behind him.

"Y'all ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ethan said as they both came out.

At this point, we walked over to the parking lot and got into my car.

Sydney was sitting in the front with me, Maddie and Ethan were in the middle, and Hayden volunteered to sit in the back.

I drove ourselves to the nearest airport and found a parking space near the airport.

We all hopped out of the car and entered the airport. We had to first go through security, which took literally F O R E V E R. I swear, I was about to punch someone because it was taking so long.

When we all finally made it passed security, we had to weigh our luggages and get them on the plane. Luckily, all of ours passed the weight test, and then we could all move onto our gate.

Once we made it to our gate, Gate 7, the speakers had just started to roll everyone in. We were flying second class, so we got on pretty quickly.

I was sitting in a middle aisle in between Sydney and Maddie. Sydney was sitting on the aisle and Hayden was sitting in the aisle in the two seats next to our. Ethan was sitting on the other side of Hayden.

As forty-five minutes passed, our plane finally took off.

"Brennan, here we come." I smiled to myself.

I then grabbed Maddie's hand and Sydney's hand as we took off because our take off wasn't as smooth as everyone would've wanted it to go. Our seats bumped up at least five times and I was about to think that this was going to be 9/11 all over again.


Okay, we landed safely! Thank god that plane scared me half to death.

"I was only 50% positive that we were going to land safely." Ethan said.

"Oh my god I know right!!! that freaking scared the heck out of me." I agreed.

I looked at my watch and the time said "11:06"

"Woah guys it's 11:00 already." I said.

"Well, it would be 8:00 back at Stanford" Sydney said.

"True." I said.

We all then went over to the baggage area and collected all 5 of our luggages.

We then got to our car in a matter of minutes and the first thing was call Brennan. He had a party with his soccer team tonight, so I won't be able to see him tonight, but I will go to his soccer game tomorrow morning and see him then. I'm so excited!!!

Brennan finally picked up and I put my phone to my ear.

"Hi Annie." I heard a soft voice say.

"Hey Brennan." I paused and smiled. "We are in South Carolina as of right now."

"Oh my god Annie I can't wait to see you." Brennan said.

"I know right same here." I said. "Hang on I'm putting you on speaker."

"Hiii!!!!!" Sydney yelled into the phone.

"Oh my god." Brennan said. "Hi Sydney."

I laughed and then Hayden said, "YOOOO" into the phone.

"YOOOO!!!" Brennan said back.

"And then here are Maddie and Ethan." I said as I gestured them to say hi.

"Wassup." Ethan said.

"Heyy." Maddie said.

"Hi guys. I cannot wait to see all of you."

"We can't wait to see you dude." Sydney said. "We want to see your new soccer skills."

"Oh yeah of course." he said. "And you guys can vlog it so the world can see how savage I am."

I laughed at him and we all continued to talk to him for what seemed like hours.

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