Chapter 37

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Date : August 13, 2013
Age : 16
POV : Annie

buzz buzz buzz

I took out my phone from my pocket and the Caller ID read "Brennan". I smiled to myself and swiped right.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Ans. Uh, come over to Springfield Farms." I heard Brennan say.

"Okayyyy. why?"

"You'll see." he said as he hung up.

I smiled to myself and put on my sandals. I walked over to the counter, grabbed my purse, got in my car, and began to drive off.

As I reached my destination, I hopped out of the car and started to walk over towards a small place that had lights around it.

"Hello?" I asked.

I then suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground. Brennan began to run and as he came to a stop, he spun me around. After he finally set me down, he fixed my hair and smiled.

"It's my last day of summer. I wanted to spend it the right way..." he paused. "And that's with you."

he intertwined both of our hands and stared down into my eyes.

we stood there for a good fifteen seconds until I peeked over his shoulder to see what he had set up.

I saw a big table with lights, banners, balloons, and just about everything behind it. I said, "oh my gosh! did you set this up?"

"No." he chuckled. "Do you really think I could set this up?"

"That's why I asked." I lightly shoved his shoulder.

"Katie helped me set it up like and hour ago." he said turning around, letting his hand let go of mine.

He walked over to the table and we both sat down. I looked down and saw and empty plate. "What are we going to eat?" I laughing, waving the empty plate up in Brennan's face.

He bent down and grabbed two rectangles wrapped in sandwich wrap. He handed one to me and said, "You see, well, I'm not a great cook, so we're just going to eat PB and Js." he chuckled.

I began to laugh as I unwrapped my sandwich.

"Well, at least you even brought food. I would've been starving." I said as I took a big bite out of my sandwich.

As we both finished our sandwiches, I got up and pointed down to my empty plate. "That was the best sandwich I've ever had." I told Brennan.

"Well good." he smiled.

He then told me to sit back down as he began to pull out a guitar.

"You see, I've been practicing the guitar and singing for the past few weeks up in my room.." he paused and smiled.


"I'm just kidding. I can't play guitar." he laughed.

I laughed at him as he put the guitar back down.

"Wait hang on, hand me that guitar." I said.

"Okay." he picked up the guitar and handed me it over the table. I grabbed the guitar and put it into position. I began to play a few chords and Brennan looked amazed.

"Wait hang on. you can play guitar?! And I never knew??" he asked.

"I guess." I said as I continued to play more chords.

"Do you know any songs?" Brennan asked.

"Yeah, of course." I said as I began to play Pumped Up Kicks. "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks..." I whispered. "Better run better run, faster than my gun." I stopped playing and faced towards Brennan.

"Impressive." he smiled.

I stood up and he stood up with me. I placed the guitar down and we grabbed eachother's hands. we began to walk off into the distance.

"I can't believe school starts tomorrow." Brennan put his hand through his hair.

"I know." I looked down.

"At least we will get to see Sydney and Hayden more." Brennan tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah." I smiled, but then frowned. "We have no classes together Brennan."

He stopped and faced towards me. "I will work that out, trust me. I will take art with you if I have to." he smiled.

I smiled at him and began to walk again. "I heard we are going to have to do more performances throughout the year for the school. Apparently they loved when we played basketball on the stage."

"What will we perform?" Brennan questioned.

"We could sing." I suggested.

"Oh no. I'm not singing in front of our high school."

"Come on Brennan. You have a great voice. I hear you sometimes when you think im not listening to you."

"Okay, maybe. but I'm not saying I will." he out his hand through his hair.

"We could also play soccer." I said.

"I would totally beat you but that would be fun." he laughed.

"I know. I think you need to redeem yourself from when I beat you in basketball." I smirked at him.

he turned to me and just smiled. he pecked me on the lips, but he quickly leaned back in again. he kissed me another time for a good ten seconds before he pulled away again.

"What was that for?" I smiled.

"I don't know. I couldn't help it." he smiled back.

I then grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him down again. "I never said I didn't like it."

I put my hand through his hair and kissed him. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I guess you could say we began to make out, something I've never done before.

Midway through the kiss, he picked my feet off the ground and put them around his waist. We then continued to make out as sparks flew everywhere around us.

After a while, I pulled away and smiled at him. he set me down, but my arms still were wrapped around his neck. I went in for one last kiss and he took my feet off the ground for a good ten seconds.

Once he set me down I smiled at him.

"Ugh, I love you so much." Brennan smirked.

"I love you even more." I smiled.

"I love you most."

There was a pause for awhile, but I broke the silence by saying, "I love you mostest."

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