Chapter 42

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Date : March 20, 2014
Age : 17
POV : Annie

this edit has nothing to do with this chapter, I just love the video so much that I wanted to share it with y'all;

Day 2 of the cruise -

I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes. I stretched out and yawned. I opened my eyes to see that Brennan was still asleep.

I went into the bathroom and got ready for the day. I did my hair, makeup, and brushed my teeth.

When I came back out of the bathroom, Brennan was still asleep. i decided to sit on the edge of the bed and scroll through my social medias. I began to read through comments and some of them were nice, but most of them were saying stuff like, "Annie you suck" and "Drink bleach" and "Go to hell".

I sighed and tried to ignore all the hate I was getting. in these past couple of months, the hate on me has just kept building and building and building. I promised I would tell Brennan everything, but I can't tell him about this.

I continued to sigh until I just turned off my phone completely.

"Hey beautiful." I heard a whisper behind me.

I turned around to Brennan and smiled.

"Hey Brennan." I got up and sat on his edge of the bed. I leaned down and connected our lips.

"Are you okay?" Brennan asked as I pulled away.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine." I tried to smile.

Let me just set the record straight. When a girl says "I'm fine," it DOES NOT mean they are fine.

"Annieee." Brennan could tell I was lying.

"I'm fine." I repeated and pecked Brennan on the lips.

Brennan then got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

And then, as if on cue, I heard two knocks coming from the door.

knock knock

I open the door to see Hayden and Sydney.

"Hey y'all." I said.

"Hey Ans, what's up?" Sydney said.

I looked down and took a long pause. sighed and just decided to pull both of them inside.

"Are you alright?" Hayden asked.

I stared up at the ceiling and shook my head no.

Sydney pulled me over to the bed and Hayden followed. Once we sat down, Sydney said, "Spill."

"It just," I paused. "The hate on Instagram lately."

"Oh Annie." Hayden said.

"I mean, I've usually been able to take it, but when people tell me to drink bleach, to kill myself, and to go to hell, it's just insane." I looked down and paused, but then perked my head back up. "Just don't tell Brennan about this."

Sydney spoke up. "Why shouldn't Brennan know?"

"I don't want him worrying about me." I said. "He already has too much on his shoulders."

"Annie," Sydney put her hand on her shoulder. "You need to tell Brennan."

"But I can't." I put my hands through my hair.

"Annie." Sydney sighed. Sydney pulled my head to where it was resting on her shoulder. she wrapped her arms around my body and we stood like this for a good while.

I then saw the bathroom door open and Brennan came out. I got up out of Sydney's arms as he came over to us.

"Hey." I tried to smile.

Brennan sat down beside me and looked me in the eyes. "Annie. Please, is anything wrong?"

"No, it's all good." I lied.

Brennan stared into my eyes again, but eventually gave up. he stood up and pulled me up with him. He kissed my nose and I smiled.

I then went through my day trying to pretend that nothing ever happened.


Brennan just got out of the shower and I was staring at the ocean from our balcony. It was dark and it reminded me of my friend Molly. She loves dark things. (A/N lol Molly shout out to you)

my mind began to wonder about everything and that was when I felt arms wrap around my body.

"Hi Brennan." I smiled.

He kissed the side of my forehead and said, "Hi Annie."

I giggled, but slowly turned my head to the ground. Brennan let go of me and went around to my side.

He intertwined our hands and said, "Annie what's wrong! I've been worrying about you all day, but you won't tell me what's up."

"Brennan," i looked up. "it's nothing."

"Well it's obviously something." his eyes widened.

"It's just all of the hate on Instagram lately." I sighed.

"Isn't that normal?" he asked.

"Yes, but people were telling me to drink bleach and freaking go to hell." I sighed. "Brennan I can't take it."

"Annie, why didn't you just come to me in the first place?" he asked.

"Because you already have to deal with me too much. I'm just a big mess." I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"Annie, you are not a big mess. You are the light of my world and I would do anything to protect you! I hate seeing you upset." he caressed my cheek with his hand.

I looked up at him and said, "I'm glad you're my best friend."

He smiled and said, "Right back at ya."

I smiled back and enveloped him in a hug. we both squeezed eachother hard and Brennan even lifted my body off the ground.

I pushed up off of Brennan's shoulders making me way taller than him.

"Hey look. I'm taller than you now." I smirked down at him.

He took his hands and began to tickle my stomach.

"AH!!" I screamed. my arms fell off of Brennan shoulders and I began to fall on him.

Brennan caught me and set me down.

"Look who's taller now." he said.

I laughed at him and pecked him on the lips.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too Annie." Brennan smiled back.

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