Chapter 91

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Date : March 18, 2017
Age : 19
POV : Brennan

Buzz Buzz

I walked over to the kitchen counter and checked my phone.

Sydney : breakfast at my house. come asap

Annie : ok, i'll be there!

Maddie : same here

As I started texting, "Sounds great," Hayden and Jayden's texts came through.

Hayden : Sounds good

Jayden : Ethan and I are coming!

I pressed my send button and immediately walked out the door.


I walked through Sydney's door and I was one of the last ones there.

"I smell pancakes and bacon," I smiled as I threw my phone onto the couch.

"Yeah, come on over. They are delicious," Jayden said while covering her mouth, trying not to let us see the food she was stuffing into it.

I went over to the island and grabbed myself a plastic plate. I turned my back towards everyone and started to collect food onto my plate.

"You know, pancakes and bacon were my dad's favorite food," I said.


"Yeah," I smiled and turned around. "He could eat it for days."

I walked over by Hayden and grabbed the syrup. I poured it over my pancakes and I watched the liquid soak into the surface.

I grabbed a fork from off of the table and found a seat over by Ethan.

"We are still waiting on Annie and Maddie," Sydney stated.

"Wait, Maddie is coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Sydney looked over at me.

"Uh-um not at all. I-it just came as a surprise." I covered up.

I shot my head down and started to cut my pancakes into little pieces. I always prefer to cut my pancakes into little bite sizes first, instead of just cutting a bite, eating it, and repeating.

Ethan elbowed me and looked up at him. He shot me a look and I shook my head, trying to tell him to not worry about it.

I then looked across the table and Hayden gave me the same look that Ethan had.

I shook my head to him as well and he tried to continue to eat his bacon.

Knock Knock

"It's open!" Sydney yelled.

The door slowly creaked open.

Annie or Maddie.

Annie or Maddie.

Annie or Maddie.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice.

Annie. I smiled.

She came into view, wearing a white tshirt with nike shorts, but then I saw Maddie as well.

My smile turned into a smirk.

I watched her walk from the door all the way to the kitchen counter.

Those hips don't li- WAIT. WHAT AM I THINKING.

I shook my head and turned my focus back to Annie. I must've been staring at Maddie for longer than I thought because Annie already had her food ready.

Annie smiled at me and walked over to the seat next to me. She sat down and I kissed te side of her forehead.

"Good morning," I smiled at her.

"Hey," she gave a small smile back.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked, turning my body towards hers so I could engage more in our small conversation.

"Um, actually no. I know I'm too old for this but I had a bad dream that kept my mind wrapped up in horrendous thoughts throughout the night," she sighed.

"What kind of bad dream?"

"The ones where you cheated on me. I tried calling you last night, asking you to come over, but it was like 3:00 amanda I didn't want to bother you."

"Annieeee," I sighed.


"I wouldn't have minded. I can come over at any time."

"I know. I mean, I seriously do. But it really wasn't a big deal." she covered up.

"Me cheating on you? Now that's a big deal," I whispered a little too loudly.

Everyone turned towards us and I looked back at them. I looked back at Annie and she said, "We're fine. Just a private conversation, nothing to worry about."

I looked back at Annie, but I didn't for long because Maddie chose to sit right across from us.

"Hey Maddie," I said and turned my attention towards her.

"Hey Brennan," she replied back.

"How has college been?"

"Oh it's great," she said. "I think I'm going to become a pediatrician. It sounds like it's for me."

"That's great," I said to her.

"How's USC?" she asked me.

"It's hard. But I do really like it up there. The soccer organization over there is incredible. I think it's an amazing experience for me to be over there."

"Is Charlie doing alright? I haven't seen him yet," Annie said to me.

I turned my body towards Annie's again and said, "He loves USC. And he's probably the MVP for our soccer team. His grades are doing great, too, and he's been talking to a girl."

I leaned in closer to Annie and whispered into her ear, "You know Savannah, the girl he went to homecoming with?"

Annie nodded.

"I think he likes her."

Annie leaned away from me and said, "Nah dip, Sherlock."

I laughed at her and she said, "It's so obvious."

"You make me feel really stupid sometimes, you know?"

"Yeah, I try to," she smiled

I lightly punched her shoulder and she pretended to be so deathly hurt.

"Ow, someone get me a doctor. I've been shot!"

I could feel my face turn red from her sarcasticness. She was so cute.

"Oooh, someone's turning red!" she exclaimed at poked my cheeks.

"Am not."

"Are too," she argued.

I rolled my eyes and she said, "Lol now someone is annoyed."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Dude, I could do this all day," Annie smiled and put her elbow on the table.

"Fine," I sighed. "You win."

"Yay!" she giggled.

a/n - HAHAHHA SUCKAS SHORT CHAPTERS FOR THE WIN. lol but sorry y'all this really was crappy and it was a filler

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