Chapter 23

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Date : May 30, 2012
Age : 15
POV : Brennan

last day of school!;

I walked out of my last class of the day and walked over to Annie's class. I waited outside the door until I saw them all get up and start to run towards the door. I let them run past me as I waited for Annie to come out.

once she came into view I screamed, "SUMMER!!!" to her.

she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Summer." she excitedly whispered back.

she then looked at me and leaned in.

"Ahem." I heard someone say.

I pulled away and looked up. Ms Bridges. the meanest teacher in school.

"Uh, I'm sorry we were just going." I tried to cover up.

"Leave. you children make me sick." she raised her voice.

we both immediately turned around and walked the opposite direction.

"she scares me." Annie whispered.

I laughed. "me too."

we both walked down the stairs and out the doors. she grabbed my hand and started walking towards our house.

I felt her look at me and then she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed.

I then looked at her and she looked out on the park.

wind was blowing in her hair, her shirt was blowing, but she looked absolutely flawless. I continued to stare at her. she was just so beautiful.

"I wonder what it feels like to be a grown up. ya know?" she asked.

"yeah. you have to pay for all your own stuff." I sighed.

"but you also get to have kids, pets, and your own house!" she said more positively.

"I guess." I sighed again,

"oh come on Brennan. it's summer!" she said as she intentionally messed up my hair.

I flipped my hair back into place and said, "I don't know."

"literally one second ago you were laughing your butt off and now your acting all 'mr. grumpy pants'" she put her hands on her hips and laughed.

"listen, I just don't want to talk about it okay!" I raised my voice.

"please, just tell me." she pleaded. "what's the mat-"

"I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled at her.

"fine then." she quickened her pace and walked away from me.

I ran home and barged through the door to my house.

"way to start off my summer." I mumbled.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. I turned on the tv and started watching.


'5 pm and I'm still here, on the couch' I thought.

I got up right as I heard the garage door open.

"hey mom." I yelled.

"hey Bren." she said as she walked in with groceries. "where's Annie? I thought she would be here" she smiled.

"uhh, well. I don't actually know."

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