Chapter 43

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Date : May 1, 2014
Age : 17
POV : Brennan

"Hello everyone!! How are y'all?" I spoke into the microphone.

Me and Annie were doing another performance for the school since everyone loved the one that we did last year. This time, instead of basketball, we were going to do soccer.

"Okay okay," Annie paused. "As you can probably tell by the nets set up, we are playing soccer for you guys!!"

The crowd cheered as we set up the stage.

"So, playing 1 vs 1 isn't very fun, so we decided to bring some people from the audience!" I said.

"Please come up to the stage when we call your name." Annie said.

"Hayden Summerall, Sydney, Alex McClarty, Vicky Tor...." I said as I listed about ten more people.

Once everyone was on stage, we divided into teams. Sydney was on my team, Hayden was on Annies team, along with a bunch of other people.

When kickoff started, my team had the ball. We all just drove towards the goal and scored a quick point.

"Brennan 1, Annie 0." I said as I passed Annie.

"Oh shut up." Annie said.

"You love me." I smiled.

"Nope, not at all." Annie smirked as we started to set up for kickoff again.


The performance had just ended and school was let out. My team had won, of course, 6-1. Hayden had scored their only goal.

Annie came up to me after and said, "I'm still better than you at basketball."

I laughed at her and smiled.

"Annie, you are better than Steph Curry." Hayden added.

Annie did a dramatic hair flip and purposely whacked her hair in my face. My eyes scrunched as I tried to get her hair out of my face.

I then took my hand and purposely messed up her hair.

"Hey!" Annie smiled.

"That's what you get." I smirked.

Annie lightly punched my shoulder and I silently whispered, "Abuse."

"Do you want me to punch you harder?" Annie asked holding up a fist.

"Oh please no." I backed off.

We both laughed and I grabbed her hand. We walked out of our school building and all four of us started walking towards my house.

"I can't believe we will be seniors next year." Sydney spoke up.

"And we will being going to college soon." I added.

Annie squeezed my hand and said, "I don't like the idea of college."

"Why not?" I asked.

"We will all be separated." Annie said. "And no one wants that."

"Not if we all go to the same college." Hayden smiled.

"Yeah Annie." I smiled at her.

"Okay." she said.

When we all reached my house, I opened the door with a key. Once I opened the door, my mom was there to welcome us.

"Hi Brennan and Annie." she smiled and looked behind us. "And Hayden." she paused. "And Sydney." she laughed. "Wow all of y'all are here."

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hi Miss Jill." Annie smiled at her.

We then all walked in and saw Ryan.

"Hey guys." Ryan squeaked. He looked around at us and said, "Annie!!"

Annie bent down and Ryan ran over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. I laughed at them and said, "Ryan loves you Annie."

Ryan backed off and said, "Ew! No I don't!!"

Ryan then started to walk over to me and said, "It's not me, you are the one who is madly in love with her."

"Ohhhhh." Hayden smiled as he put his hand over his mouth. "I mean," He coughed. "Nice one Ryan."

I smiled at Annie and said, "You are so right Ryan. I do love Annie." I paused and walked over to Annie, "I also love how I totally creamed her team today in soccer."

"Hey Mr. South Carolina." Annie said. "I don't play soccer."

"That doesn't cover up the fact that I still beat you." I poked her cheek.

"Whatever." she playfully rolled her eyes.


Sydney and Hayden just left, but Annie was still here.

"Brennan honey!! It's the University of South Carolina calling!" I heard my mom.

"I'll be right back." I told Annie.


I walked out of my bedroom and ran downstairs.

"Yes mom?"

"It's USC! They want to talk to you about college." she handed me the phone.

I grabbed the phone and started talking to their president. We had a long conversation about college and ending up playing soccer there.

"Yes sir that sounds amazing." I said as I saw Annie come downstairs.

"How long do I have to decide?" I asked.

"Wow, okay. I will get back to you once I have made my decision." I said as Annie walked over to me.

"Thank you sir. I will take this into great consideration." I said as I hung up.

"Who was that?" Annie asked.

"University of South Carolina." I said.

"That's great!" Annie smiled. "What were they talking to you about?"

"College." I looked down.

"Oh." Annie said.

I walked over to Annie and wrapped my arm around her.

"I'm not going to a college unless I know you are going with me." I whispered in her ear.

"Promise?" she looked up at me.

"I promise."

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