Chapter 102

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Date : April 7, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Brennan

"When will you get here, Charlie?" I asked and readjusted my grip on my phone.

"In about 5 minutes," I heard on the other line.

"Dude, we are going to be late!" I semi-yelled at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This traffic and this rain makes it hard to see around here."

"Just hurry up, please," I groaned and hung up.

I placed my phone down on the counter and sighed.

"Everything alright, sweetie?" My mom asked as she came into the kitchen carrying three laundry baskets.

I walked over to her and grabbed two of the laundry baskets to help her.

"It's fine. Charlie and I just have to go somewhere important and he's already twenty minutes late."

We walked into our living room where she told me to place the baskets down on the couch. She then sat down on our recliner and I sat in the chair next to her.

"What were you guys planning to do?" she asked.

"I don't think it really matters now. We aren't going to get a spot at this hour."

"You guys were going to go see that soccer game? Like, the one where Madrid comes down to Maryland?" My mom guessed.

"Yeah," I sighed. "And it only happens like every twenty years, and you dont buy tickets, so it's just that whole 'first come, first serve' rule. And I was supposed to take Charlie there, but because he's late, we aren't going to get a spot."

"I bet you'll find a place to s-"

Ding Dong

"Finally," I muttered and got up out of my seat.

I ran towards the door, but my mom yelled after me. "Don't forget an umbrella!"

"Oh shoot, yeah," I whispered and ran into the mud room. I grabbed my red umbrella off the rack and then ran back over towards the door.

I scratched my forehead as I opened the door.

"Charlie, you are so so lat-"

"I'm not Charlie."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion but quickly opened my eyes.

"Annie?" I asked.

She was wearing her blue raincoat and her hair was soaking wet.

"Brennan?" she mocked me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, very confused on why she was at my front door.

"Yes," she nodded her head up and down very quickly. She ran in and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Everything is more than alright."

I didn't know how to react to this. I thought she was going crazy, but I ended up hugging her back.

She pulled away, but kept her hands connected around me. She looked up at me and into my eyes.

Did I do it? Did I get her back?

"Brennan Donnelly," she paused. "I forgive you."

"What?" I smiled. "Annie!"

I picked her up and spun her wet body around in circles. She smiled and giggled as I set her down.

I did it.

"Brennan," she started. "Imagining a life without you was impossible for me, and I hated myself for it, but once I faced that truth, I realized that us being apart wasn't right. I knew that our future together was actually meant to be. So, I'm sorry for not believing you when you said that you didn't love Maddie. And I'm sorry for not coming back to you immediately," she said and looked up at my eyes. "I hope you can forgive me."

"Annie, Annie, Annie," I shook my head and whispered. "You don't need to apologize for anything."

I ran one hand through her hair and smiled at how flawless she was. "I should actually be thanking you. I never thought that you would actually come back."

"Well," she smiled back at me. "I'm here. And I'm yours."

"Thank god. I was so, so miserable without you," I told her.

"Same here, Brennan. Same here."

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I scrunched my eyebrows and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

"It's Charlie," I said to Annie as I swiped right across the screen.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey Charlie."

"Hey man, so so sorry about this but I actually can't make it to the game. My mom just called me and I need to go over to my grandma's and help her move out. Sorry."

"No, no it's fine. I'll just take Annie instead."

"Oh okay, you two have fu-wait? You are taking Annie?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Everything is alright now."

"I'm so so confused, but i'll take your word for it. You guys have fun," he told me.

"Thanks so much. I'll talk to you later."

I then hung up and put my phone back into my back pocket.

"Where are we going?" Annie asked.

"You and I are going to a soccer game. Madrid vs. Argentina. It'll be fun," I smiled at her.

"Alright." She smiled back.

I wrapped one arm around her shoulder and grabbed her hand.

"Thank you for taking me."

"Thank you for taking me back," I told her and looked her in the eyes. "From now until we grow old, I promise to love you endlessly and never take you for granted. I'm so so lucky to have you, Annie."

"I'm even luckier to have you, Brennan. Thank you for all of your love."

I smiled down at her as she looked out ahead of us.

This might have been the shortest break up between two people in history, but it was definitely the most painful. Us two being apart is the equivalent of humans living without air. It's just impossible.

a/n - this isn't the end, but expect me to end this book soon. i'm sorry but i'm kind of getting tired of this book, so probably only about 3-6 chapters left.

It Was Meant To Be // BrannieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin