Chapter 59

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Date : August 7, 2015
Age : 18
POV : Annie

Everything was going pretty smoothly in the neighborhood. My family, Hayden's family, and Sydney's family all ordered a moving truck to move all of our supplies from Baltimore to Stanford University.

And at the moment, the three of our families were all driving to Brennan's house so we can al gather together and say our last goodbyes.

So here's the plan -

We will first say goodbye to our families, then we will all get in Brennan's car and take a 8 hour drive to South Carolina, then we will help Brennan unpack for awhile, and then Sydney, Hayden, and I will have to say our goodbyes and get on a plane to California.

Once we pulled up to Brennan's house, his whole family was out in the yard, getting a head start on the goodbyes. When I got out of the car, Brennan was just now saying goodbye to Ryan. Ryan had run up to Brennan and he gave him a big squeeze around his neck.

But once Brennan saw me, he squeezed Ryan once more, and then stood up and smiled at me.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I heard Sydney and Hayden getting out of their cars.

"Hey Annie." Brennan said. "Hey Hayden, Hey Sydney."

We were all just silent for a moment before any of us spoke up.

"So," Sydney paused as she took a good look at our families. "I guess this is goodbye."

Hayden was the first to start off the hugging by hugging Sydney mom. I went over to Brennan's mom, Brennan went over to my mom, and Sydney went over to Hayden's mom.

"Your such a sweet girl." Miss Jill whispered to me. "We are all going to miss you." She smiled as she pulled away from my grip.

I smiled and her and moved onto Katie.

"good luck Ans." I felt her smile. "I'm going to miss my big sister so much." she said. I squeezed her tight before pulling away.

Before saying goodbye to Ryan, I looked over at my dad. He had the vlogging camera in his hands and he was recording everything that I did.

I walked over to him and whispered to the camera, "I'm going to try and not cry as I say goodbye to Ryan."

I then smiled at my Dad and slowly walked over to Ryan.

"Annie!!!!" I heard him scream. I bent down and smiled at Ryan. He ran over towards me and crashed his body into mine. He hung his arms around my neck and said, "I'm gonna miss you so so much"

I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Oh, and since I know I'm not going to see you for a very long time, I made you this." Ryan said as he pulled out a red and yellow bracelet made of yarn.

"Aw, I love it." I said as I put it on.

I then stood up and smiled at the bracelet. I took one last look at Brennan's family and said, "I'm going to miss you guys so much."

I gave each of them another hug, but I then eventually moved onto Sydney and Hayden's families.

I hugged Sydney's mom and she said, "I've had a great time watching you grow up Annie."

I hugged Sydney's dad, but he didn't say anything.

I then hugged Luke. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was just like how any friend would hug.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "Me and Sydney will miss you a lot."

"And I'll miss you too a lot." he said.

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