Chapter 87

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Date : March 10, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Brennan

"Taking Annie to homecoming?" Charlie asked me as I was editing a youtube video.

"Yep," I said, and took off my glasses that help me edit. (a/n - brennan would be hot in glasses tbh)

"Are you flying to California?"

"Yeah, it'll be a long flight, but it'll be worth it."

"I bet. She's a baller girl." he said and gave out a small laugh.

I smiled to myself and nodded my head up and down.

"Who are you taking to homecoming?" I asked him.

"A girl named Savannah."

"Savannah McCrary? The model and soccer player?"

"Yeah, her. We met because of soccer, and I started to snapchat her, and ever since Riley and I split, I've been texting her and seeing her on a daily basis. And it turns out, she lives about an hour away from our houses. So yeah," he paused, "She's a really good friend of mine."

"What's her personality like?" I asked.

"Her personality?"


"Very funny and out going. She doesn't care what anyone thinks about her even if she embarrasing the crap out of herself. Or embarrassing me, for that matter," he paused and smiled. "And she just broke up with her boyfriend of three years."


"She lost interest in him."

"So she's available?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess," he said as he looked up at me,

I put a smirk on my face and walked over to Charlie. I bumped his shoulder and laughed, "It seems like someone has a little crush on her."

"Shut up."

"Charlieee," I said as I extended the "e".

"I don't like her."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do," I repeated.

"No I do not."

"You have a crush on her."

"Okay maybe a little!" he broke. "But anyways, I doubt that she likes me back."

"Oh come ooon. You are practically a living and walking Blake Gray. How can she not like you?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just don't want to talk about it. We both just came out of long relationships and I'm not ready to get into that again."

I walked away from Charlie and walked back onto my bed. I put my glasses back on and closed out of my editing app.

I opened up youtube and saw that I had a new notification in my subscription box. I switched the tabs and found that Annie had posted her video for the day. It was titled, "MY FRIENDS ASK ME WEIRD QUESTIONS! feat. Sydnastical and Hayden Summerall"

I clicked on the video and listened.

"Hey Guys! It's Annie Leblanc here with..."

"Sydnastical," Sydney said.

"And Hayden Summerall," Hayden stepped in.

"And today our video will be them asking me weird and uncomfortable questions. To be honest, I'm kind of scared," Annie said a clenched her teeth together.

"But make sure you watch through the whole video so we can all make fun of Annie together," Hayden said while pointing to the camera.

Annie out her head in her hands and fell onto Sydneys shoulder.

"Why did I choose to do this video?" Annie half-whispered.

I gave out a small laugh and Sydney said, "Let's jump right into it!"

The screen slid to the right into a new slide.

"Okay, I'm first," Hayden said. "How many guys have you dated so far?"

"Two. One was Brennan and the other was someone else when I was like thirteen."

Hayden looked at the camera and smirked. "The other one was me," he mouthed.

"But were just good buds," Hayden said and wrapped his arm around Annie, in a friendly way, and shook her around.

Annie looked embarrassed, so Sydney started her question.

"Have you ever tried to pee standing?"

"Yes. It works!" Annie laughed.

I laughed at her and sat up a little.

"What age did you lose your virginity?" Hayden asked.

"Oh my god you ask the worst questions," Annie said and gave a Hayden a look.

Hayden just smiled at her and laughed.

"You gotta say it," Sydney bumped Annie.

"You guys already know the answer though."

"But they don't." Sydney argued and pointed at the camera.

"Come ooon," Hayden said.

"Fine. I was eighteen."

"See, that wasn't so hard." Hayden said and bumped Annie.

Annie playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Next question."

"Who is your celebrity crush?" Sydney asked.

"Brennan Donnelly. Duh," Annie said and smiled. "It's so obvious."

"Besides Brennan."

"Nope that wasn't the question." Sydney fought.

"Doesn't matter." Annie said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine. Who is your celebrity crush besides Brennan?" Hayden spoke up.

Annie gave Hayden another look which made me laugh.

"Okay, okay fine," Annie said. "If it had to be someone, then it would be Zac Efron."

I closed my computer and took off my glasses. I got on my phone and opened up the facetime app.

I clicked on Annie's name and she finally picked up after three rings.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Looks like I need to step up my game because of Zac Efron. Huh?" I asked and smiled back.

"Shut up," she paused. "You're like 1000x cuter than him."

"Thanks," I said and put my hand flat under my chin.

Annie giggled a tiny bit, so I smiled.

"I see you in five freaking days!" She said and her eyes lit up.

"I can't wait to see you."

"I know, I'm so great." Annie laughed.

I smiled at her and she spoke up again. "So here's the plan."

"I'm listening."

"So our whole group will be waiting for you at the airport. We will say our hellos and drive over somewhere for lunch. And then after that, I will get ready with Sydney, Jayden, and Maddie and you will get ready with Hayden and Ethan. And then like four hours later, all of us except for Maddie will go to dinner together. Maddie is getting picked up and going somewhere else. And after dinner, we'll take pictures and then we'll go to homecoming!"

"Woah, that was a lot."

"You said you were listening."

"I guess so," I smiled and laughed.

a/n - "crappy update BUT ITS AN UPDATE." and sorry i just needed a transition into the next chapter. the next chapter will be a lot better.

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