Chapter 105

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Date : August 10, 2019
Age : 22
POV : Annie

Engagement season with Brennan never had a dull moment. I always made coffee for him every single morning, we always went to the gym together, we always chimed in to Monday Night Baseball, etcetera. He did everything to constantly prove that he loved me and I did the same for him.

We've been counting down to this day since college graduation. What we have with each other is so unbreakable now that we know how handle love. I tell him all of my secrets, no matter how embarrassing they are, and he accepts it and helps me through it.

So, all in all, today is the day of our marriage. What better day to celebrate our love for each other than today?


The ring bearers opened the door for my dad and I me him in the middle. He grabbed my arms as everyone outside had turned around to look at us.

I smiled at everyone that I passed while walking down the aisle, and when we reached the front of the rows, I made sure to smile at Sydney, Hayden, Ethan, Jayden, and Charlie. They all looked so put together. Sydney gave me a wink and I then smiled towards the front.

Hayley was a beautiful maid of honor. Her hair was straightened and then curled, just how she likes it. Her eyes complimented her baby pink dress perfectly.

As the aisle came to an end, Brennan moved over towards my dad and I.

I was now standing between the two loves of my life. To one I've been a daughter, and to one I'll soon be a wife.

When the preacher asked, "Who gives this woman?" Daddy's eyes filled up with tears.

He kept holding onto my arm tightly, until I leaned over and whispered, "You can let go now Daddy. I think I'm ready to do this on my own."

He leaned over to me in return and kissed the side of my forehead. When he released my arm, I gave him a no-teeth, reassuring smile before taking Brennan's hands.

Brennan guided me back up to the altar by the officiate to start the wedding.

"Well, here we are." I whispered to him.

He smiled at me and I couldn't stop staring at him. He was 10 minutes away from being my husband and I would never choose anyone over him.

And I must've not been keeping track of how long I was staring at Brennan for, but the next thing I heard the officiate say was, "And now, Annie, is you have any vows, now would be the time to speak."

"Oh," I said as I shook my head and my brain caught back up with reality. I turned around the Hayley and she handed me a slip of paper.

"Thank you," I told her.

I then turned back around and Brennan had his own hands connected together. While I unfolded the paper, I looked up at his face and slightly smiled.

I brushed my hair out of my eyes and then I started. "Brennan Donnelly. My best friend. My adventure partner. The love of my life. You're my biggest inspiration. You've led me closer to Jesus, you have made me a better person, you've amazed me with your heart for your family and your heart for me. From the time that I first met you, I tried to trick myself into thinking that I didn't like you. I didn't believe that someone as godly and amazing as you could fall for a girl who had unicorns on her leggings. I was just coming out of a horrible situation when you first asked me to be your girlfriend. A situation that I thought that I would never escape from." I paused and took in a shaky breath before continuing. "A situation that took everything out of me, made me feel useless, unworthy, and I put in my head that you wouldn't accept me anymore or like me since I had a brother who was in heaven. I never thought that you were the one to not only choose and love me, but choose and love my family as well. And since I met you, you've made me feel beautiful, you've made me feel worthy, you've made my family feel so loved. You've shown me a life that I though I would never get to experience. A life where someone prays for me daily, love me endlessly, and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. You're my greatest treasure. You're my hero. I love how goofy you are, no matter who is around. You never care what people think of you even if you are embarrasing yourself. Or me, for that matter!" I paused and laughed a little. "I promise to always be your silly sidekick, and more importantly, I promise to be the girl you fell in love with even when we are old and wrinkly. I promise to make sure the pantry is always stuffed with Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Maple Brown Sugar Mini Wheats. I promise to always let you embarrass me in public. I promise to always go on adventures with you and act like little kids for as long as we live. I promise to be your very best friend forever. I promise to always put Jesus first and help lead our family. I promise to love you unconditionally and treasure you forever. Thank you for choosing this life with me, for choosing the perfect house right next to our very best friends, for choosing me, you, jesus, and our future kids forever, and thank you for loving me the way you do so perfectly. I love you so much and I can't wait to take on this amazing new chapter as Husband and Wife. You are my everything."

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