Chapter 60

458 16 4

Date : August 9, 2015
Age : 18
POV : Annie

"Here should this lamp go?" I asked Sydney.

"Uh, probably on that desk over there."she said as she pointed to her left.

As of right now, Sydney and I were just putting the finishing touches on our dorm room. Hayden, of course, was helping us. A girl down the hall, named Maddie, was also helping us.

Maddie was the kind of girl who boys liked to like. She was practically perfect in every way and I honestly think that we will become really good friends. She had brunette hair, like mine, and she was a tennis player.

I had just set the next down on the table and I heard a "Ding Ding Ding" coming from my phone.

I took my hands off the table and walked over to my bed. I picked up my phone and read, "FaceTime Call from Brennan Donnelley"

I smiled to myself and swiped right across my screen.

Brennan face popped up and he looked like he was walking back to his dorm after a soccer practice.

"Hi." I smiled.

Brennan looked down at the screen and immediately smiled. "Hey." he smiled.

I looked over at Hayden, Sydney, and Maddie and gave them a 'I'm going to leave for just a second' look. They all nodded at me and I quickly left the room.

I closed the door behind me and redirected my attention back to Brennan.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good, but," he paused. "I miss you."

I made a pouting face and said, "I miss you too."

Brennan smiled at me and tried to lighten the mood. "How is everything going with Hayden and Sydney?"

"They are fine. We also just made a new friend named Maddie. And Hayden keeps talking about a boy named Ethan." I told him.

"What are Maddie and Ethan like?" Brennan asked.

"Maddie is very sweet and very athletic. She also has the world's best jokes and she is so comfortable around strangers." I paused. "And Ethan is a baseball player. I've heard that he has brown hair and is very similar to Hayden."

"Sounds like some pretty cool people." Brennan said.

"And what about you? What's going on at USC?" I asked.

"Well, soccer practice started two days ago, as you already know, and I met this one guy on the team named Mason. He's pretty cool." he smiled. "Oh and I have Charlie here with me so."

"That's good." I smiled. "Isn't Charlie your roommate?"

"Yep, and Sydney is yours."

"You got that right." I said.

I watched as Brennan looked around and give a nod to someone. He looked back at me and said, "Annie, I have to go. I'll talk to you tonight. I love you." he said as he hung up.

He hung up before I even had time to answer him.

"And I love you too." I whispered to myself.

I slowly opened the door and resumed to putting items in random places of Me and Sydney's dorm room.


I was sitting on a bench, waiting for Sydney and Hayden to walk out of the building. And when they come out, we can go out to eat for lunch and celebrate our last day of summer.

"Hey Annie, you want to talk?" I heard a voice behind me.

I looked back and saw Maddie.

I smiled and said, "Sure."

She down beside me and said, "We have school tomorrow morning. Ugh."

I laughed and her and said, "I hope it's not hell."

"That would be pretty shitty." Maddie said.

I continued to laugh at her and she chuckled to herself.

"What have you been up to?" Maddie continued to talk.

"I just got off a phone call with Brennan." I said as I jiggled my phone up in the room.

"Uh." Maddie hesitated. "What is he like? You know, Brennan."

"Uh, actually," I paused and smiled at the ground. "He is everything that girl could hope for. I fell in love with him when we were just kids, but I've never regretted doing that. Sure, he is good-looking and all, but his personality is where it's at.

His laugh is one of my favorite things about him. It is so soothing to me and it helps me go through life. His laughter makes me feel tingly inside and it reminds me of why I love him.

Oh," I paused. "And his eyes are pretty great, too. It's like a black hole of love that I just fall into every time I look into them. They are the color of dark chocolate, but in no way are they bitter. Rather, they are sweet and the sparkle in the moonlight."

I paused again for a quick second, but soon picked back up again. "But I think the thing that I love most about Brennan is just him in general. He is my dream-guy and nothing could ever, and I mean ever, replace him. He's just irreplaceable. He makes me feel like I'm on the top of the world whenever I'm with him. And the feeling of his arms wrapped around my body is amazing, I feel so secure and warm." I smiled.

Maddie smiled at me and said, "He truly makes you happy, right?"

"Of course. I mean we've been through everything together. From Kindergarten, to Caleb, to high school, I mean, that boy is my best friend."

Maddie smiled again but then asked, "Who's Caleb?"

I was about to tell her the world's best story of Caleb, but then I saw Sydney and Hayden walking out of the building.

I shook my head and said, "Long story." i then started to get up from the bench and waved at Sydney and Hayden. I looked down at Maddie and said, "Do you want to come to dinner with us?"

"Sure." she smiled as she got up and started walking with us.

Freshman year was turning out great.

Well, at least for now.

a/n - idk what to say about this chapter

It Was Meant To Be // BrannieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz