Chapter 74

368 11 15

Date : December 15, 2015
Age : 19
POV : Brennan

The first thing I did in the morning was pack. Sydney had booked us a flight for four to Playa Del Carmen and we are staying at a resort.

I packed my clothes, toiletries, hair brush, Chargers, etc.

When I zipped up my suitcase, I carried it downstairs and set it by the front door. I then walked over to the kitchen and grabbed out a granola bar.

I got on my phone and called Annie. After three rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey," I said as I sat on top of the counter.

"Hey," she replied.

I took a bite out of my granola bar and said, "When can I pick you up and take you to the airport?"

"Um, I'm ready whenever you are." she told me.

"Okay, I'll come over and we can wait just a little bit before leaving. We wouldn't want to be too early."

"I agree." she said.

"Okay, see you in about two minutes."

"Okay, see ya." she said as she hung up.

I continued to eat my granola bar on the counter until I heard the sound of my dog, Bailey, running towards me.

"Bailey Bailey Bailey." I smiled as I talked to him. I hopped off of the counter and bent down. I ruffled with his ears and he sneezed all over me. "Bailey!" I laughed.

I got up and grabbed a paper towel. I wiped off all of the nastiness off my clothes and said, "You're crazy."

I bent down and gave him a kiss on the head before I walked out the door. When I opened the door, I began to shiver from the cold air.

"Brrr." I said.

I grabbed my suitcase and closed the door behind me. I ended up putting the suitcase in the back of my truck and got in. I turned on the engine and started to drive to Annie.

I took a series of lefts and rights before I could reach Annie's street. I almost glided down her street because I wanted to see Annie and Hayley and the rest of her family.

I parked my car on the side of the road and hopped out. I made sure to grab my phone before closing the car door. I locked the doors and walked up Annie's passageway.

I knocked on the door.

Knock Knock Knock

I heard tiny footsteps run up to the door and open it.

"Hey Hay," I said.

"Hi Brennan," she smiled as she hugged me. She pulled away and I looked up. I saw Annie coming up behind her and she smiled at me.

I then looked down at Hayley again and said, "Make sure Katie and Ryan don't go crazy while I'm gone. Okay?"

She giggled and said, "Okay."

I smiled and then stood up straight. I walked into the house and said my Hello's to her parents.

"Hi Mrs. Katie. Hi Mr. Billy." I smiled at them.

"Hey Brennan."
"Oh, hello."

I guess you could say it became awkward really quickly. I stood in silence with my body turned towards her parents. I looked back at Annie and she looked like she was about to laugh.

'Stop it.' I mouthed.

She ignored my words and motioned me to follow her. She took me downstairs and into the den. Their family rarely ever comes down here, so it was really quiet, but there was a couch and a tv so I really liked it down here.

"What time should we leave?" Annie asked.

I looked at my phone and it said, "10:10"

"I guess in about ten minutes," I told her.

"Okay. I'm so excited!" she smiled.

"Me too, but don't go crazy over every Mexican we meet," I laughed at her.

She smiled at me and said, "I can't make any promises."

I smiled and slightly shook my head. "Anyways, why did you want us to come down here?"

"Oh, um, I found something the other day that I want you to check out." she said as she started to walk into their game room.

I followed her and she dug into some old drawers. At the very bottom of the drawer, she found a piece of paper and took it out.

"Um, this was a letter that you gave to me a really long time ago. Remember? You told me that it was from Caleb, but I never had the guts to open it. So, I hid it down in here for me to find someday in the future. And it turns out, that day is today." she paused. "And I still don't think that I have the guts to open it, so I would rather open it with you, if you don't mind."

I looked at her and smiled. "I would be honored to open this with you."

She was about to hand me the envelope, but then she said, "Let's save this for Mexico."

"Okay," I said as I agreed.

She took my hand and we both went upstairs again. She put the envelope in the front pocket of her backpack and then zipped the zipper. She put the backpack on her back and said, "We can go ahead and leave. It's probably better to be early than to be on time."

"Okay. We can just put your stuff in my car after we leave the house."

"Okay, thanks." she said. She then looked to her left and said, "Bye Hayley!"

She gave Hayley a quick hug and then hugged her two parents.

"Goodbye Brennan," she looked at me.

"Bye Hay Hay." I smiled as i bent down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I gave her a squeeze.

"See you in a week." She smiled as she pulled away.

"See ya." I smiled back.

I then felt someone hover over us and I looked up to see Annie.

I stood up and then waved a goodbye to her parents.

"Bye Billy and Katie!" i said to them.

"Goodbye Brennan!"
"Have a fun time!"

I smiled and then looked down at Annie. She gathered all of her stuff and handed me a duffle bag to carry.

I opened the front door and we both walked out. I made sure to close the door behind and we then walked down the concrete pathway together.

We put her bags in the back of my car and moved around the car to get in our seats.

Once we both got buckled, I turned on the engine and started to drive.

"I'm ready for the best week of my life," Annie said.

I looked over at her and she was staring out of the front window.

I didn't have the confidence to tell her how beautiful she looked, so i grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you," I said, but then I said, "I mean, me too."

Annie chuckled at me and said, "Well, either way, I love you more."

"Doubt it." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

a/n - sorry for the crappy chapter i just needed to update

It Was Meant To Be // BrannieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora