Chapter 85

305 13 38

Date : February 24, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Annie

"How's mom?" Brennan asked me.

"Um," I paused. "She's okay. I guess. This morning my dad said that the lung cancer hasn't began to shrink yet, and that its only getting wider. And my mom is finding it harder to breathe and her throat is closing up," I said as I ran fingers through my hair. "So, yeah. She's not doing well."

"Is Hayley okay?" he asked me.

I immediately shot my head down. I tightened my lips and fiddled around with my fingers. Shaking my head from side to side was the only way to tell Brennan the truth while not crying.

"Oh Annie," I heard Brennan murmur.

"She tells me that she misses me more than ever at this time, and the feelings are very mutual. I miss her," I said. I shut my eyes tight and silent tears forced themselves out. Tiny droplets of tears streamed down my cheeks and I whispered, "She's all I have left."

I slowly looked up at my phone and Brennan eyes locked with mine.

"I wish I was there."

Knock Knock Knock

I forced my eyes off of Brennan and grabbed a tissues from my desk. I wiped away the tears from under my eyes with it and said, "Come in."

I looked back at the door to see Maddie walk in.

"Hey Mads," I squeaked and managed to get out a fake smile.

"Hey," she said and walked over to me. She looked at my face and I assumed that she saw my red cheeks because she scrunched up her eyebrows and asked, "Are you alright?"

I tightened my lips and shook my head 'no'.

"Mom?" she asked.

I nodded my head up and down and she immediately embraced me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck and I heard an, "Aw."

I pulled away from Maddie and looked over at my phone.

"Oh sorry. Did I say that out loud?" Brennan asked.

"Yes," I said and let out a real smile. I let out a small laugh and Maddie waved to Brennan.

"Hey dude."

"Hey Maddie."

"Oh wait," Maddie said as she turned back to me. "Hayden is coming with Sydney, Jayden, and Ethan in like five minutes so we need to clean your makeup up!"

"Oh crap," I whispered.

Maddie pulled me towards the restroom, but I yanked out of her grip.

"We can't forget Brennan," I smiled and ran over to my bed. I grabbed my phone and the followed Maddie into our bathroom.

Maddie started fiddling through my make-up bag and I set my phone down on the counter. I put a box behind it so that I could stand it up.

"Okay, okay. Concealer." Maddie said to me as she started unscrewing the lid to a small tube. She dotted the liquid under my eyes and I went in with a blender.

I dabbed the blender across my face and Maddie kept on rummaging through the bag


"I don't need any. I already have some waterproof on," I told her.


"I don't wear eyeshadow dude!" I smiled and kept on blending.

"So is this why girls take so long to use the restroom?" Brennan asked.

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