Chapter 36

609 18 1

Date : July 4, 2013
Age : 16
POV : Brennan

"BRENNAN!!! ANNIE!!! BRENNAN!!! ANNIE!!!" I heard the crowd roar as they argued.

I looked over at Annie and smirked.

She smiled at me and spoke into the microphone. "Okay guys settle down settle down." she waved her hands. "Aren't we going to have some fun tonight?!" the crowd roared as they cheered. she clapped her hands and said, "Now that's what I'm talking about!! Okay, so, as apart of our school meet-up party this summer, Brennan and I are going to battle." the crowd roared once more. "We are going to battle to see who is better..." she paused. "At basketball!!"

She pointed at me and I said, "And the only way to settle that is to play a few rounds." I paused. "So, first round." I pointed at the net. "We are going to play some easy game of Knock-Out. So, to play Knock-Out, all you have to do is shoot the ball as many times as you can, and if you make it before the person behind you, you are safe. But if the person behind you makes it before you, you are out. Sounds easy enough?" he asked the crowd.

We heard cheers of "Yeah!!!" and "Yes!!" as Annie grabbed two basketballs, one for me and one for her.

She passed the basketball to me and said, "After you." signaling for me to go first.

I went over to the free throw line, took a couple of dribbles, and put up my shot. The ball bounced off the middle of the backboard and went in the basket. I went to go get my rebound only to see that Annie made a nothing-but-net.

We both then set up again and we both made our free throws over and over and over again.

That was until I put up my shot and the ball bounced off the rim, moving away from the basket. I ran after the ball until I heard a "swoosh". I turned around to see Annie smiling at me and picking up the microphone.

"Annie 1. Brennan..." she paused and smirked. "Zero."

I laughed at her and picked up my microphone. "Well well, we can all see that you are better at free throws than me, but I would totally beat you in lay ups."

"Pfft. Yeah right." she said.

"Well there is only one way to to know." I paused. "After you." I mimicked her as I put my microphone down.

She went in and drove towards the basket. The ball moved swiftly through the net and Annie ended up making 9 lay ups out of 10.

Once she was done I went for my turn. I drove the ball towards the basket and bounced the basketball off the backboard to where the ball fell in.

I ended up making 10 lay ups out of 10, making me the winner of this round.

We both went back over to our microphones and Annie said, "Annie 1. Brennan." she paused and fake-coughed. "1."

I smirked at her and said, "Okay okay now. There is only one round left. And that is, of course, three-pointers."

"Let's see who's the real Splash King. Steph Curry or Annie Leblanc?" we both laughed at ourselves and Annie couldn't pull herself back together.

I passed the ball to her as she walked over to three-point line, still laughing at herself.

We both calmed down and I ended up going first. I made 18 three-pointers out of 25.

"Beat that." I smirked at Annie.

"Oh, of course I will." she walked herself over to the three point line.

She pulled up for the first shot and made a nothing-but-net, as I did for my first shot.

Annie ended up making 24 three-pointers out of 25.

The crowd roared as she made her last three-pointer.

"ANNIE!!! ANNIE!!! ANNIE!!" they all chanted.

I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulder. I joined in with the crowd and said, "Annie!! Annie!! Annie!!!"

I pumped my fist up in the air as I reached over for a microphone. "Congratulations to Annie! Annie is the real champ!!" I smiled down at her.

She reached the microphone and said, "I'll rematch him some other time. I know his mind has been on soccer for the past five months." she winked at me. she breathed into the microphone and said, "So there you have it. Annie Leblanc is the real Splash GOD." she laughed at herself.

I smiled at her, but she just kept on laughing and laughing and laughing. she fell to floor because she couldn't contain herself and I just stood there. I pulled her back up and said, "Thank you all so much!!"

Sydney took a few pictures of us together, and then we hopped off the stage.

I wrapped my arm around her as she pulled up the photo of us on Instagram. She tagged me and typed "AMAZING fourth of july celebration with @brennan1103 !! #SPLASHGOD"

Once she posted the photo, I kissed her on the cheek.

She smiled up at me and said, "You can't handle the fact that I'm more baller than you."

I looked down into her eyes and said, "I also can't handle the fact that you are so dang pretty."

I cupped my hand around her cheeks and pulled her closer. She closed the gap between our lips and we both smiled in between kisses.

Once she pulled away, I said, "I love you. so much."

She smiled up at me and said, "I love you more."

"I love you most."

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