Chapter 53

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Date : March 20, 2015
Age : 18
POV : Brennan

My family, Annie's family, Hayden's family, and Sydney's family were all here in Ocean City, Maryland for spring break.

It was our first full day here and we were having a great time. Annie's hand was in mine and we were walking back to our hotel.

"Brennan?" she spoke up.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I really love you." she smiled.

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "I really love you too."

Once we got to our hotel, I got onto my phone and texted Sydney and Hayden.

Brennan - How are things going down there? Has it been set up yet?

Hayden - Everything is going great and almost everything is set up. we will need your help setting up the last part

Brennan - okay, I'm coming down. but Sydney, can you come up here and stay with Annie while I go over with Hayden?

Sydney - of course

Sydney - I'm coming right now

I shut off my phone and went over to Annie. I wrapped my arms around her waist from the back and said, "I have to go do something really quickly. I'll be right back."

I then kissed her forehead and she said, "Okay, don't be long."

I unwrapped my arms and grabbed my room key. I then walked outside of our hotel room and silently walked over to the beach.

If you were wondering what I'm doing, I'm going to ask Annie to go to prom with me. We are going to do a scavenger hunt all around the beach, and at the last stop, that's when I'm going to ask her.

As I made it to the beach, I saw Hayden and our families.

"Hey man." I smiled and bro-hugged him.

"Okay so we have everything except for the last stop set up. How would you like to do it?" Hayden asked me.

I walked over to our last stop and said, "I think we should have just one card by this stop, and when Annie opens and reads the clue, it will say 'Will you go to prom with me?'"

"That sounds great dude." Hayden said.

"Alright." I said.

About fifteen minutes later, I texted Sydney to come down to where we were with Annie.

Once I finally saw Annie, she asked, "What is this?"

"A scavenger hunt. whoever wins will get a big prize" I said.

"Oh that sounds fun." she smiled.

I smiled down at her and waited for my mom to tell us the instructions.

"Okay okay, everyone. So, as you might already know, we are doing a scavenger hunt! You will be in teams of two and we will assign you a color. Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins! Sound good?" my mom told everyone.

"Yes!" I said.

"Everyone, pick your teams!" she said.

I looked down at Annie and she had already linked her arm with mine.

Sydney and Hayden are Team Purple, my mom and Annie's mom are Team Pink, Sydney's parents are Team Yellow, Hayden's parents are Team Green, Hayley and her boyfriend, Parker, are Team Red, Katie and Ryan are Team Orange, and Annie and I are Team Blue.

"On your mark, get set, go!" I heard Annie's dad say.

Annie I then ran over to our first stop and picked up the blue envelope. Annie quickly opened the envelope and read, "I lack in customers, but I bring you your greatest delight. What am I?"

Annie stops and thinks but then jumps up and whispers, "The Pizza Hut!"

"Oh yeah." I smile as we begin to run over to the Pizza Hut.

When we reach our stop, we pick up the blue envelope and I read, "I am big and glorious, but I never say a word. What am I?"

Annie thinks, but she could never find the answer. I then lean down and whisper, "The Statue!"

We then both run over to the famous statue and pick up our next clue.

"I stand tall and watch out over everyone. I can even save your life. What am I?" Annie reads.

"The lifeguard stand!" Annie says.

We then both run over to the stand and the lifeguard hands us our next clue.

"I am what you came here for. I move swiftly throughout the world and bring you joy, but I can even hold your biggest fears. What am I?" Annie read.

"The ocean!" I say.

We then both ran over to the shore and looked around for a tray. Once we spotted it, I looked down at all the other clues and said, "We are the first ones here!"

I picked up the clue and said, "I am meant to be sat on, but no one ever sits on me. What am I?"

Annie laughed a little at that clue and then says, "The bench."

I grabbed her hand and we both ran as fast as we could over to the beach bench.

"Why is there only one envelope here?" Annie asked.

"That's weird." I tired to act and play it cool. I then handed the card to her for her to open.

Annie slowly opens the envelope and takes out the clue.

Annie then smiled and covered her mouth. "What does it say?" I asked her.

"Will you go to prom with me." Annie read.

"Will you?" I grabbed her hand.

She nodded her head up and down without hesitating and hot tears started to spill out from her eyes. She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as our families came out from hiding and started to clap.

Annie pulled away and looked at everyone. "You guys knew about this?" she smiled.

"Of course. It's all Brennan's been talking about since New Years." Sydney told her.

Annie looked at me and smiled. I nodded my head up and down in agreement and said, "It's true."

Annie kept on smiling and then went in for another hug.

"Thank you Brennan." she whispered in my ear.

"I love you so much Annie." I replied.

"I love you too." I heard her whisper.

a/n - awwwww

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