Chapter 28

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Date : March 3, 2013
Age : 16
POV : Annie

Katie and Brennan were fighting over Never Have I Ever pallets that their mom made them for their new YouTube video.

I sat down next to Miss Jill and gave her a glance. We both started to laugh at them and Brennan's head perked up at me. "What's so funny?" he said.

"Y'all are ridiculous." I laughed.

I then got back up and went over to their counter. I started to FaceTime Sydney, knowing that she was in the Bahamas for a gymnastics meet.

she began to pick up and I saw that she was walking. "hey Sydney!" I said. I looked over at Brennan and said, "Brennan, come say hi to your cousin."

Brennan looked up at me and got off of the couch. he walked over towards me and wrapped his arm around me. "hey Sydney." he smiled.

"hey guys!" she said as she entered a store.

"How has your day in the Bahamas been?" I smiled at her.

"it's great. I got some presents for y'all." she held up a bag.

Brennan got a text on his phone and read, "I'm at your front steps -Hayden"

I laughed at the text and walked up the stairs with Brennan, taking the phone with me. I walked over to the front door and opened it.

"Hey Hayden." I smiled.

"hey Annie. hey Brennan." he said to us.

"HI HAYDEN!!" I heard from my phone.

I turned my phone over so Hayden could know that I was FaceTiming Sydney.

"Hey Sydney!! love you and miss you!!" he smiled at her.

"same here." I heard her say.

"Katie and I were just about to shoot a YouTube video. do want to come downstairs and watch with Annie?" Brennan said pointing downstairs.

"yeah that would be fun." Hayden replied.

"alright then." I ran down the stairs, with the boys following.

"hey ans." I heard from my phone. "I got to go."

"bye Sydney!!" I said reaching the bottom of the stairs. "wish you were here!!"

And with that, she hung up and I watched as Brennan went over to Katie and Ryan and plopped down on the couch next to him.

They started off the video with the usual intro and then Katie spoke up.

"These aren't all the people who will be playing Never Have I Ever with us. We have a special guest...Annie Leblanc playing with us!! She's in every video of ours, so why not have her with us!!" she pointed at me.

I gave Brennan a confused look, but stood up and walked over to the couch anyways. I sat down next to Brennan.

"Hey guys." I said to the camera as Miss Jill handed me a pallet.

"Okay. first question!" miss Jill stated. "Have you ever had a crush?"

Brennan, Katie, and I all flipped our paddles over to "I Have."

I hit Brennan in the shoulder, while staring at the camera, signaling to him that he was my crush. I kept on staring at the camera with a solemn face until I bursted out laughing.

we all started to laugh, but miss Jill interrupted us when she said, "Okay, second question!....Have you ever said a bad word?"

Me and Brennan both turned our paddles over to yes and kept our heads down. after five seconds, Brennan raised his head to see his mother shooting him a glare.

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