Chapter 95

345 16 48

Date : March 23, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Annie

It's already our last day in Maryland.

I've only seen my family once, my mom passed and I never got the chance to say goodbye, I've been soaking my bed in tears the past few days, so I guess you could say that this has been the worst trip ever.

I mean, could it get any worse?

That's impossible, right?

Well, you see, this is me, Annie. And later that day, I learned that this was not the end of it.

Read the rest of this if you want to stay normal, if you want to keep your innocence. I hope no one ever goes through what I went through, no one ever deserves it.


"I think we should all go out today, to have one last 'hoorah' before we all leave again," Brennan suggested to everyone.

By now, everyone was at my house. It was 5:15 pm. Sydney has been crying, knowing that my mom was basically her other mom. But everyone else has been here for moral support. It's like I have 7 servants to do stuff for me all the time.

"Ugh," I groaned.

Brennan looked at me and said, "It'll be fun."

"I would rather just stay here."

"I think not," Brennan argued.

"C'mon Annie, it'll be great," I heard Ethan say.

I shook my head at him and Brennan put his hand on my forearm.

"You'll regret it," he whispered.

I tilted my head towards him and nodded. "Fine."

Brennan smiled and said, "Yay!"

He got up from the couch and started to do his signature "happy dance" to cheer me up, but it obviously didn't work.

"Brennan," I started.

"No," he interrupted. "I'm going to do this until you smile."

He started to kick his feet around and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I shook my head and laughed at him.

"Hey, there's that smile!" Brennan said to me.

"Stop," I chuckled from embarrassment.

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up. He walked me towards the stairs and said, "Now do you have the encouragement to go and get ready?"

"I think so."

"Great," Brennan said and smiled at me.

I put my hands on his shoulders and placed a kiss on his lips. It was only meant to be a good peck, but Brennan wrapped his arms around my waist.

When I pulled away, Brennan smirked at me and said, "I love you."

"I love you t-"

"That was HOT," Hayden yelled.

I shoved my head into Brennan's shoulder out of embarrassment, so Brennan laughed at me and whispered, "He just always embarrasses us, right?"


"I guess it just who he is."

"And I hate it."

"No yo don't," he laughed. "But anyways, i'll see you in a bit. Go get dressed."

"Okay," I said and took in a deep breath as I pulled my body away from Brennan's.

"I love you," he said again. "And only you."

It Was Meant To Be // BrannieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ