Chapter 100

252 16 6

Date : April 4, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Annie

*about a week later*

I flattened out my black dress and fiddled around with my earrings. I hopped out of my white car and slipped on my black heels.

Today's was officially the day.

Celebrating my mom has never ever been hard, well, until today.

I could already feel my tears threatening to spill from my fragile eyes.

I looked right before crossing the road. I then looked left.


"Hey Charlie," I nodded to him as he waved. He ran over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Annie, I'm sorry for letting you leave like that two weeks ago. I should have never said that," he said and looked at his fingers.

"It's okay," I reassured him. "I know you only tried to make the best outcome out of this situation."

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and took me about five seconds to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back.

"And I'm also so so sorry about your mom." He rubbed my shoulders.

"It'll be okay."

When he slipped away from my grip, he smiled at me and said, "Could I walk you in?"

"Of course." I smiled.

As we crossed the road, I kept my hands at my sides and watched them swing back and forth.

"Nervous?" He asked me as we walked up the steps.



"One of the reasons. I just really don't want to see him."

He took my hand and helped me up the steps, which was kind because I was wearing heels. When we reached the door, I said to him, "I better stay out here and greet the rest of those who are coming. It'll only be about two minutes. So go," I smiled an shooed him away. "Go and meet the rest of my big family."

"Okay, see you later loser," he smirked.

"Shut up."


I then watched him as he walked in the door and started to make himself company. He looked so fit in with everyone, like he was apart of my family.

I then turned my head and looked the other direction. My eyes laid on a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy whom smiled at me as soon as we made eye contact.

"Hayden," I smiled.

He walked up the steps and greeted me with a big hug.

"I'm so sorry, Annie," he said, taking in a deep breath and rubbing my back with the palm of his hand.

"I've only heard that about a million times today." I gave off a fake smiled as I pulled away.

"No, no. I mean about everything."


"Like you and Brennan, your mom. Just everything." He took my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Everything will be just fine. And I mean it," he told me and lowered his voice. "And trust me. Please please trust me when I say that."

I took in a deep breath through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.

"I trust you."

"Great," he smiled and let my hands free. He gave me one last hug before finally walking in the door.

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