Chapter 97

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Date : March 24, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Annie

It's been a long, weird week.

My mom passed away in California and I never got to say goodbye. I don't even think that I was happy the last time I saw her.

And then there was the whole situation with Brennan and Maddie. My heart was already hurt, and I was wrong when I said it couldn't be hurt even more.

Worst spring break ever? Well, yeah. You get the point.

But I'm actually sad it's over. I have to say my last goodbyes to everyone here in Maryland and then it's back to never ending homework, never getting to go somewhere without getting stopped by someone, and never being able to be a normal college kid.

I gathered my last few bags and threw them into my truck. I locked up the trunk and then looked over at Hayley and Dad.

This was my family now.

I mean, mom and Caleb will always be here with us, but this was my family.

I walked over to them and gave them a big group hug.

"I love you guys so much," I whispered.

"We love you too," Hayley sniffled. She wasn't ready to say goodbye.

"I'll see you in two weeks," I paused. "To celebrate mom."

"Love you," my dad said.

"I love you too."

I then unwrapped my arms around them and walked towards my car. I turned back and waved on last goodbye to them.

Hayley blew me a kiss and I smiled.

I then hopped into my car and turned on the engine. I backed out of the driveway and headed down the street.

I was supposed to meet Hayden, Sydney, Ethan, and Jayden at the airport, but I went to Charlie's house instead. I hadn't talked to him that much this break, and I'm surprised because we such good friends.

Around five minutes later, I pulled up to his driveway and he was loaded boxes in the back of his truck.

I parked the car and got out.


I waved as I jogged over to him.

"Annie," he smiled.

When I close to him, I slowed down my pace until I stopped at his feet.

"I figured I needed to say a goodbye to you. Don't take this as offense, but I also needed an excuse to not see Brennan at the airport," I paused and looked down. "He's probably saying his goodbyes to everyone, and I obviously don't want to be apart of that."

"It's okay." Charlie comforted me.

I rocked back and forth on my feet and he started to wrap his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a really tight and big hug.

"I'm sorry you have the world's worst roommate," I said and sniffled.

I felt Charlie laugh, but he soon said, "He's actually not that bad. He keeps the room clean."

"Yeah, yeah." I whispered. I put my forehead on his shoulder, trying not to cry. "That's sounds like something he would be doing."

Charlie pulled away from me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Annie, I know this isn't probably what you want to hear right now, but it's the truth."

"I already know what you are going to say."

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