Chapter 20

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Date : April 17, 2012
Age : 15
POV : Annie

Freshman prom. also known as the worst night of my life.

I was getting ready in my bathroom when I heard the door bell ring. i grabbed my B necklace and put it on. I did a finishing touch on my hair and makeup, put on my shoes and walked down the steps to the door.

I opened the door and Brennan was standing there.

"hey." I smiled.

"he-" he paused. "woah. you look so cute." he chuckled.

"and you look very handsome." I smiled back.

"ready for some pictures?" he asked.

I sighed, "I guess."

I grabbed his hand and led him towards the grass.

"smile!" the photographer said.

we ended up looking something like this :

we ended up looking something like this :

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"Okay, now that that's over." I smiled.

"Let's go to prom, how bout dat?" He said in a goofy face.

"let's go." I laughed grabbing his hand.

he intertwined our fingers and headed towards the school.

we were about halfway when I decided to break the silence.

"have you ever wondered what caleb is doing right now?" I asked.

"yeah...." he paused. "every day."

"you know, me, you, and Caleb were like best friends." I laughed.

"oh yeah. remember our ice cream wars?" he chuckled.

"yes! I would always get ice cream all in my hair!" I laughed.

"and I was the only one who would actually help you get it out!!" he said.

"yeah." I chuckled.

"oh, and remember when we were like six years old and we both surprised Caleb for his birthday? we barged into his room and stuffed a cake in his face!!" he bursted out laughing.

"yes!!! oh my gosh I have a picture from that day" I smiled.

"it was so perfect back then." he said.

"I know." I sighed.

"Even without Caleb, though, it's still perfect." Brennan squeezed my hand.

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