Chapter 99

280 19 10

Date : March 28, 2016
Age : 19
POV : Annie


It's Friday.

This week has topped all of the others, but not in a good way.

It had topped all of the others simply because it was the worst.

I was leaving in a week for Maryland, and so was everyone else. Including Brennan. Mom's funeral is the reason.

I'm nervous.

Like a lotta nervous.

It will be Brennan and I's first interaction in two weeks, and it will be sad.

We started out as strangers, became best friends, and then we left off as strangers again.

It's pains my heart just when I think about it.

I'm still not over him. And I don't think I will ever be.

But the big problem is that my heart tells me to forgive him, but my brain tells me to stay right where I am. Like, I can be strong without him, right? Can I actually become like Wonder Woman? You know, the superhero whom everyone doubted because they said that she needed a man, but throughout the years, she proved them wrong and became independent. She fought the battle on her own and not only won, but she proved herself as strong.

So can I be Wonder Woman?

Can I prove to everyone that I don't need Brennan?

I then rubbed my eyes and remembered the actual worst part about it all.

Everyone still doesn't know what's going on.

"And that's needs to come to an end," I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my phone off of my desk and swiped to the camera. I put my finger over the lense, making the screen black, and I snapped a picture. I then pulled up instagram and chose the black picture. I added the caption, "going on livestream now."

I immediately posted it and went over to youtube. I managed the setting in my account and pressed the big red button the said, "Livestream Now!"

After loading for a bit, I could see myself on the screen. I had 2,000 viewers already.

"Sydney!" I yelled.

"Yes?" I heard from the bathroom.

"Come to my live!"

The bathroom door opened and Sydney came out with her phone in her hand. She walked over to my bed and I made room for her to sit.

Once she settled, I put the computer between us and whispered, "I'm explaining."

"Explaining what?"


I then turned my head towards the computer and took a deep breath.

"Hi guys." I waved to them as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"So there's a lot to explain. I haven't been on Instagram, I haven't uploaded on YouTube, I haven't posted on Twitter, etcetera."

"Sooooo," Sydney lead.

"Les just hop right into it," I said and took another deep breath. "So it all started on spring break. We traveled all the way down to Maryland just to find out that my parents and Hayley were taking a trip to California. I was obviously a little angry because we could have just stayed in California all along. I got into a little argument with my mother, which didn't end well. So when she left, I never said 'I love you' or 'I'll miss you'." I paused and looked at Sydney. She gave me the 'go on' look, so I faced the computer again.

"So, anyways, I stayed in Maryland with Sydney, Hayden, Ethan, Charlie, Jayden, Maddie, and Brennan. The week went by very slowly, and halfway through the week, I received a call from my dad. It was basically him telling me that my mom," I paused for a bit. "Well that my mom had passed away."

I slapped my hands on my thighs and let out a sigh.

"And I still remember it all very clearly: I had dropped my car keys, my vision went blurry, my chest was pounding, my breathing stopped, etc. Just everything came and hit me like a truck all at once. I walked out of my bedroom door and I immediately saw Sydney and Brennan. Brennan never left my side once that whole day. Well that is until he went home."

"No one ever really knows what he did when he got home, but the story will explain our confusion later," Sydney butted in.

"So I was obviously depressed for three days straight, so I didn't vlog and I didn't edit. And please forgive me for not doing that, I just needed some time off.

"And then," I paused. "Spring break was coming to a close and we all decided to go out to a Mexican Restaurant."

I then fidgetted with my fingernails, not wanting to continue.

"Long story short," Sydney started. "Brennan cheated on Annie with Madd-"

"SHH!" I whisper-yelled. "You just exposed her name you dumbass," I laughed.

"I don't really care. She kind of deserves it."

I pondered about it and ended up nodding my head in agreement.

"And after this very very very brief summary of our spring break, I also have some news."

She grabbed her phone off of her bed and started. "So Brennan has been texting me ever since we left Maryland. And it's all been about Annie."

"Sydney stop," I elbowed her.

She looked at me, but continued to speak.

"Annie, I just want you to know that's it's killing him. To tell him to stop thinking about you is to tell him to stop thinking. Every single thought that comes to his head is about you."

"I don't even care." I threw my hands up in the air.

"He messed up."

"He freaking cheated on me!" I argued and yelled.

"He is nineteen years old! He doesn't know any better!"

"So what! The other day you told me that there were other guys, but today you are telling me to wait for him."

"Nevermind, Annie. We are making this into too big of a deal. I mean, I get he's your first crush, bu-" she then stopped abruptly.

I ended the livestream immediately and cupped my head into my hands. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as I sniffled in between breaths.

I felt one hand rest on my shoulder as she said, "I meant 'relationship', but I just want you to know that he will be waiting for you. And if you ever change your mind, you can turn around and I will be standing there right beside him and you can just run to us. We will be there for you."

I took in the kind words, but I still argued once more. "But why are you on his side?"

"In no way am I on his side. I'm just saying that he isn't like this. He will never hurt you ever again, Annie, and that's a fact."

I took my head out of my hands and looked at the mirror across from my bed. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair had been in a messy bun all day, I had no makeup on, my oversized sweatshirt was covering my Nike Pros, and my face was starting to turn a pale color.

"I just don't even know anymore," I barely even whispered.

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