Chapter 16

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Date : January 28, 2011
Age : 14
POV : Brennan

It was the first snow of the year. 6 foot blankets of snow covered the ground. Since school was cancelled, I decided to try and trudge over to Annie's house. Once I made it to her yard, I could hear Annie and Hayley playing outside in the backyard. I then went through their gate and hid behind a bush.

I could actually see them this time and they were having a snowball fight. they were so cute. Annie had aim, but Hayley had an arm. it was so fun watching them.

after spying on them for a good five minutes, Annie came towards the gate. (where I was!)

"Hey hay," she yelled. "I'm going to go and get some hot chocolate."

"okay!" I heard a small voice.

Annie walked over towards the gate and eventually, her back was towards me.

I decided to quietly get out and stand behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up.

"AHH!" she screamed for a second, but I think she realized it was me. I set her down and she turned around to me.

She looked so beautiful. her hair was in two French braids and her eyes looked so beautiful.

"my heart," she laughed. "is pounding so hard." she put her hand to her heart and laughed.

"I didnt mean to scare you." I put my hand through my hair. I was nervous.

"It's fine." she smiled. "I know you meant well."

I smiled.

"do you want to come inside?" she said as she put her hand through my hair.

"yeah." I replied. I wrapped my arm around her and walked with her to the front steps.

once we reached the door, she took out her keys and unlocked the door.


the door opened and I set my shoes outside.

I walked in and we took off our coats.

Annie was wearing a white t-shirt with leggings and I was wearing a black t-short with some pants.

she looked so beautiful.

"do you want some hot chocolate?" she asked me.

"of course!" I smiled.

I sat down at the counter and Annie got the hot chocolate ready.

"so, how has Katie and Ryan been?" she asked me. "I haven't seen them in forever!"

"they're fine. Katie asks about you and Ryan is always talking about Hayley." I smiled.

"I miss them. we should go and see them today." she said.


she then went over to their radio and turned it on.

"A Drop in the Ocean" came on and Annie started to sing and walk over to me.

she wrapped her arms around my neck and sang, "a drop in the ocean. a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together." she kissed me on he cheek and I could feel her smile.

I turned around to her and joined in.

"but I'm holding you closer than most. because you are my heaven." I smiled.

she ran her hands up my chest and then around my neck.

I pecked her on the lips and went over to the radio.

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