Chapter 72

423 12 3

Date : December 8, 2015
Age : 19
POV : Annie

*the next day*

It was a casual day and I was with Brennan at the park.

"Ooh! Ice cream!" I said to him, screaming like a little girl.

Brennan dug in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out 5 dollars and he said, "Go for your life."

I smiled up at him as I took the money. As I was walking away, I turned around and said, "You want anything?"

"Nah I'm good." He said with his hands in his pockets.

"Okayy. Your loss!" I said as I turned around again.

I jogged over to the ice cream truck and handed him Brennan's money as I said, "One strawberry Popsicle please."

The ice cream guy was very sweet and kind, and he was kinda old, so I just let him keep all of the money as a sign of gratitude. Brennan wouldn't mind.

I then walked over to the trash can as I struggled to take the wrapping off of the strawberry Popsicle. It took about two minutes, but I finally got the wrapping off of the Popsicle.

I then turned around and my eyes forced me to drop my Popsicle to the ground.

I saw Brennan.

With another girl.

And they were kissing.

I tried to say, "Brennan?!" but nothing came out.

The worst part was that he was kissing a girl who had a dress shoved up her butt. Like frick, you could almost see her whole butt, and his hands were around it.

I tried to scream again, but my head became dizzy and I fell back.

Everything went black.

Next thing I knew, I shot up from my bed, drenched in sweat. I looked to my left to see Brennan asleep. His muscular arms were both over the sheet and his head was tilted towards me, just a little.

I looked back over at my feet and put my hand over my heart. I said, "Thank you Jesus."

I put my palm in my hands, trying to forget the awful nightmare I had just experienced. My fingers rubbed my eyes and I sighed.

I quietly slapped my hands on my thighs and looked out the window. I watched morning birds chirp and fly from tree to tree, like they did every morning.

My fingers fiddled with my toes as I tried to figure out what to do next.

I heard an, "Annie?" The voice was deep and hoarse, yet, in a way, soft.

I turned to my left to see Brennan rubbinng his eyes. I smiled to myself and ran my fingers through his hair.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Good morning." I told him.

"Good morning," he said as he continued to rub his eyes. "What's the time?"

"Uh, let me check," I said as I turned around and looked at my phone.

It read "1:30 P.M." and I gasped. I turned around and said, "Brennan, it's 1:30."

Brennan chuckled and said, "It's crazy. I'm still tired."

"I don't know if I could go to sleep after what just happened." I told Brennan.

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