Chapter 31

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Date : April 30, 2013
Age : 16
POV : Annie

Tonight is prom. Brennan is 574 miles away in South Carolina right now.

The doorbell rang and I opened the door. "Hey Syd." I smiled.

She walked in and said, "Ready to get ready for tonight?"

"sure." I laughed at her.

We both went upstairs and did each other's make up. I was wearing my normal make up, but the only thing that was different was that I was wearing eyeliner. Same with Sydney's.

I ended up straightening Sydney's hair and she curled mine. we took a couple of selfies in between.

I then took her to my room and handed her the dress she was going to wear. I pulled mine out and I put it on.

Once we were both dressed we looked at ourselves in the mirror.

"I say we look pretty nice." she smiled.

"Of course we do." I laughed.

I grabbed my B necklace off of my mirror and Sydney put it on for me.

"You wear that all the time now, don't you?" Sydney asked me.

"Yep. I feel like Brennan is here with me when I have it on." I looked down at the charm and gripped my hand around it.

Ding Dong

"Let's go see who it is." I told Sydney.

We both ran down the stairs and I opened the door. it was Hayden.

"Hey Hayden." I smiled.

"Hey." he said.

he went over to Sydney and wrapped his arm around her.

"Y'all look really nice." Hayden said.

"Same for you." Sydney smiled.

He looked over at Sydney and said, "Hey you straightened your hair!"

"you can thank Annie for that." she pointed to me.

he looked at me and said, "You curled your hair!"

I laughed and said, "you can thank sydney for that."

It was still about an hour before we had to leave so I went over to the kitchen and looked at my calendar. I marked off today on the calendar and said "105 days till Brennan is back."

Sydney came over to me and said, "You are really counting down the days?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I laughed. I looked down at my necklace and went over to a picture frame. I stared at it. it was a picture of Me and Brennan from when we were like 7 years old.

Sydney followed me and said, "You really do miss him, don't you?" Sydney said.

I looked down at my feet and tried my best not to cry. I ended up just shaking my head up and down.

"You know," I spoke up. "That one night we had surprised him, he told me that he was mad at himself for having to miss prom." I said.

"That's Brennan for you." Sydney said.

I looked up and said, "You know what, maybe I shouldn't go tonight."

"Annie, please come." Sydney begged.

"Maybe I should just stay here. I'll probably FaceTime Brennan and watch Hannah Montana."

"Annie." Sydney sighed. "It's obvious all your thinking about is Brennan." she paused. "You know in your heart that Brennan wants you to come tonight."

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