Chapter 39

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Date : January 9, 2013
Age : 17
POV : Brennan

Knock knock knock

I ran down my steps and slowly opened the door.

"Annie!" I smiled.

"Hey Brennan." she smiled back. "I was thinking that we could drive over to the beach for the day."

"That would be fun. Just let me go get my phone and we can drive off." I said as she stepped in my house.

"Okay." she said.

I ran upstairs to my room, grabbed my phone, and then I walked down the stairs back to Annie.

"All ready?" she asked.

"Yep." I replied as I intertwined our hands.

We both walked out of the door and raced eachother over to my car.

"Beat ya!!" she smirked.

"Cheater." I laughed.

She began to tease me as we got in the car and said, "Is little Brennan mad at little Annie? I think so. I beat him so hard that I could him out of town if I wanted too."

I just laughed at her. I loved when she teased me like that.

"Oooh. Someone's cheeks are getting red!" she laughed and pointed at me.

"Whatever." I said as I pulled out of my driveway.

"Whatever." she mimicked me.

"Okay I you doing don't stop that," I smiled. "Then I'll never kiss you again."

"Ooooh. Is little Brennan threatening me?" she laughed.

"I mean it."

"Then how are we going to get married?" she shrugged her shoulders.

I laughed at her and just stared at the road ahead.

"You love me." she said in a little kid's voice.

"Of course I do." I replied.

"Good." I saw her smile in the corner of my eye.

When we arrived at the beach, we both go out. we both took our over-clothes off and starting walking over towards the sand.

"You look puuurty." I bumped her in the side.

"I could say the same for you," she looked me up and down. "but not today."

"Hey!" I yelled.

"I'm just kidding." she leaned in and pecked me on the lips. "You look totally amazing." she smiled.

I smiled back and we both walked over towards the water. Once we reached the water, I splashed her in the face.

"Ah! Brennan!!" she smiled. I then saw her go under water and smooth her hair back. Once she came back up, she splashed me in the face. "Payback."

I then went underwater and swam around until she couldn't see me. next, I swam up behind her and picked her feet up off of the ground.

She began to laugh when I began to spin her around and her legs kicked.

I set her down and she turned around to me. she placed her arms around my neck and my eyes kept on moving from her lips, to her eyes, to her lips, and then back to her eyes again.

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