Chapter 82

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Date : January 23, 2016
POV : Annie
Age : 19

I open my eyes, blinking at the ceiling. I had one of those dreams, where you feel like you're falling, and all sense of reality has sort of left you, and you can't tell what's real. They don't happen often, but nonetheless it's scary when they do.

It's Saturday morning. I don't have anything to do other than, you know, the growing pile of homework on my desk. But that's a problem for another time. "Sydney," I groan. "Get me some coffee. Please."

"Since when did you start drinking coffee?" she asks, and then glances at the clock. "Besides, why are you trying to wake up so early? It's only like, 7:30."

"Is it really that early?" I ask, now wide awake, yet still a tad disoriented.

"Yep. Go to sleep. Or if you're being crazy today, at least let me sleep."

A smile creeps onto my face. "Syd...?" I start, a thought forming in my head. "Where were you last night?"

Sydney rolls her eyes, realizing it's pointless to ignore me and try to sleep. "Why do you want to know?"

"You were with Hayden last night, weren't you?"


"Oh my gosh!" I yell, grabbing a pillow and kneeling in front of Sydney. "Tell me more!"

"Well, we kinda went on a double date, and-"

"How dare you not bring me along? I am your best friend."

"Your boyfriend isn't in California. Can I continue?"

"Oh yeah," I say, a little less excited to hear about her night. I make a mental note to call Brennan later.

"Anyway, we took Maddie and Ethan along in hopes that they'd start to like each other more. Because they're kinda the third wheels when it comes to like, you and Brennan, and me and Hayden, and--"

"I get it. You were trying to get them to hook up. Continue before I lose interest please."

"If you lost interest would you let me go to sleep?"


"I figured. Anyway, so yeah we talked and stuff, and kissed, and then there was a cute waitress that Ethan got flustered around and we had to order for him because he couldn't talk. Oh, and I think now is the time to mention that Jayden works there. As a waitress. And Ethan likes her."

"Really?" I squeal. I never knew Ethan liked Jayden, but apparently now he does. "God, I actually think they'd be cute together."

"Yeah," Sydney agrees, "they're so cute. But I think Jayden is ignoring his feelings or she's the most oblivious person ever."

"I seriously hope she likes him back, but what about Maddie?" I ask, concerned that she might be jealous of Jayden.

"Oh, she was fine with it. I don't think it would've worked out between them anyway."

"So, enough about Ethan. What about you and Hayden?" Sydney blushes when I mention his name. I cock an eyebrow, wanting my suspicions to be confirmed. "Sydney, did you and Hayden...?" I trail off, not wanting to say what I'm thinking.

"Definitely not," she says. "We just kissed."

"That's boring," I say flatly.

Sydney hits me with a pillow. "Hey, you're the one who thought Hayden and I did it."

"Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes. "You're still boring."

"Go call your boyfriend or something."

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